Cryllara tasks

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List of different daily tasks you can get from Cryllara. Only task and 'assemble kit/pack' info, no guides on how to do them.

Completing task gives experience, money and favors. (repeating a task gives half xp)

  • Easy work:
  • Medium work: 40k exp, 1000 platinum coins and 50 favor (max 2000)
  • Hard work: 90k exp, 225 batium coins and 100 favor (max 3000)
  • Ultra hard Work : 150k exp, 50 mithril and 100 favor (max 4000)

Favors can be spent at the Efiilas Quartermaster.


Easy work

Kill the Barbarian Chief in the Cornfield

The Cornfield offers something we want: renewable food resources. But the land is contested by the barbarians. If you slay their chief, we might stand a chance at a treaty, or at least them fleeing.

Kill 5 bats

We're not used to so many bats around here. Quite frankly, they compete with the birds we need more for their un-diseased meat and feathers. Thin out the bat population. You might want to start in the Whirlpool cave, but the Overworld might have some too.

Complete the soldier gear pack

The hectic nature of the evacuation has kept our soldiers moving in and out of camp pretty quickly. They're needed everywhere, and don't always want to slow down for resupply. Ready-to-go gear packs with essential items would dramatically speed up the turn-around time. see if you can put something together.

  • Torso-slot armour
  • Polearm
  • Both foot-slot armour
  • Blue clothing
  • Any food item
  • Any drink

Medium work

Convince the deserters to return

Many of our ranks signed up to help, but the sudden action and its context have not been easy. Several Advance members have left camp, leaving us short-handed. See if you can convince them to return to us, preferably without violence.

Get three shopkeepers to sign the requisition forms

We're new to these lands and short on both money and supplies. As such, we need to make deals with local shopkeepers for goods in high demand for us. We've talked to as many on this continent as possible, but we need help over the oceans. If you can get three shopkeepers from three other continents to help out, we will be in much better shape.

Complete the animal research kit

If we're going to get anywhere with this new land, we're going to need to know more about its natural hazards, namely, animals. Take this kit and collect research specimens of the types of weapons the Lucentium beasts use to attack.

  • Two freshly dissected horns
  • Two freshly dissected paws
  • Two freshly dissected beaks
  • Two dead bugs
  • No repeat races.

Complete the first aid kit

When we have wounded on the field and magic fails, a backup plan is highly valued. A first aid kit for emergency healing at the hands of our field surgeons could save multiple lives, but we are already low on the materials needed for them. See what you can do.

  • Four clean cotton cloth items for wound dressings
  • Two plants with healing properties
  • Container with 1-5 liters of fresh water
  • Belt, sash, bow tie or rope for tourniquet
  • Sewing needle
  • Thread

Kill the Kara-tur Ogre King

It is time we dealt with the problem in Kara-tur once and for all. In the caves is an Ogre King. His death will spell an end for their attack plans, at least, for a while. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Kill the gladiator in Nifty's Tower

There is a temple in the desert, guarded by a mighty gladiator. We suspect there are relics of use to us in there, but the gladiator bars the path. Take him out. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Destroy Alucard the Vampire

Reports from the Castle Dahbec continue to mention a vampire, and a powerful one at that. Vampire-killing methods are dramatically diffferent in different lands, and what we've tried hasn't worked. Maybe you will succeed where we failed. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Kill three Village of Pestilence zombies

Undead are dangerous enough, but when they carry disease from place to place, it's not something we're prepared to accept. The Village of Pestilence is loaded with walking plague factories that must be cleansed.

Kill three Lanzia ogres

An army in the lands of Lanzia builds, and they've recruited a number of ogres as guards and shock troopers. Ogres are stupid, and we won't be able to scare them off. Thin out their numbers by killing a few of them, but stay away from their leaders for now.

Kill 3 scorpions

The Lost Pyramid has potential for exploration, but there are concerns. In particular, the scorpions outside could threaten our researchers before they even enter. Clear a path.

Hard Work

Kill 3 guards at the Tower of Magician

While exploring a potential source of fresh water, we enocuntered a group of magicians in a tower. They not only refused our request for aid, they became violent as well. Either they're opposed to us specifically, or just too dangerous to be around. Either way, if you kill a few guards, the water source will be much more useful to our cause.

Pick 48 fresh pinetrees

Our druids and herbalist are constantly running short on the supplies they brought from back home. We can substitute with some of the local plant life, but only if it's fresh. They're asking mostly for pinetrees right now.

Get a fresh silk 'hide'

Our crafters have masterful tanning and refining techniques, but lack the raw materials. Silk is an excellent material, strong and lightweight. Bring us some raw silk, as you might get from skinning a giant spider, for them.

Get the Ancient Seed from Stagira forest

When we arrived, our ents began their special process of attuning to these new lands. However, the soil here is so drastically different, that it does not always work. One of them left an ancient seed in the Stagira forest, and it's not taking root. Retrieve it, please.

Place 5 helix spikes on scenic locations

Our spellcasters are working on a way for us to cover more ground quickly. Their best shot so far requires a better look at the continent, which you can provide by use of a helix. These are special spikes, thrust into the ground, spread out all over the continent. Use the guide to make sure they are placed correctly, and return the guide when it's green across the board.

Complete the mage gear pack

We've been sending our mages out into the field to assist our soldiers and healers, but not all of them are combat ready. A lot of them left in a hurry and didn't bring basic supplies, even if they had them. A pack with basic tools used by blasters could mean the difference between their usefulness versus their dead weight.

  • Wand with a potent offensive spell
  • Stack of 25+ power offensive spell reagents
  • Stack of 10+ power defensive spell reagents
  • Mana-restoring plant
  • Any food item
  • Any nonalcoholic drink

Complete the ambassador pack

While we're preparing for a battle in the standard sense, we also need to prepare for non-combat contests of skill. There is much we can gain by diplomacy, and the merchants and courts of these lands offer many options along those routes. However, we lack the clothing and other items common to high society in Lucentium. If we want to impress, we need to dress the part.

  • Three pieces of formal clothing (suits, gowns, etc)
  • Three pieces of jewelry
  • A pair of high-quality footwear
  • Quality liquor
  • Two expensive noncombat gifts

Complete the animal research kit

If we're going to get anywhere with this new land, we're going to need to know more about its natural hazards, namely, animals. Take this kit and collect research specimens of the types of weapons the Lucentium beasts use to attack.

  • Two freshly dissected horns
  • Two freshly dissected paws
  • Two freshly dissected beaks
  • Two dead bugs
  • No newbie monsters
  • No repeat races.

Complete the weapon kit

Our enemies are already on the move, and won't wait long before they attack. They will likely hire on help, or buy weapons, locally. So we need to know what weapons to defend against. Collect a dozen weapons used by the races common to our competition, and bring them back.

Twelve weapons used by dwarf, gnome, human, kobold, duergar, lizardman or giant enemies.

Complete the metallurgy kit

We're not used to seeing the materials found in these lands. Even something as basic as 'iron' isn't quite the same as we're used to. We need a ton of arrowheads, but different materials offer different properties. Take this kit, and use it to get samples of ten different metals for our research. This item is in excellent condition. It looks very light weight.

Deliver three crates

When we packed up and moved so quickly, we didn't have time to plan what we'd need, or how much. There's a lot we're lacking, but we have some surplus items and materials we can spare. There are merchants waiting for delivery of these supplies on other continents. Get the crates to the ferry docks, and make sure they are picked up.

Fill the food box

We're critically short on food and water for our refugees. We need both quantity AND quality. So see what you can do to track down some preserved food for long-term, some healthy food for now, and then anything else you can grab to fill the gap.

  • Six canned foods
  • Six roasted fruit/vegetables
  • Any twelve other food items

Get four multislot leather armours

Most of our soldiers, hunters and scouts use light armour, leather being an easy favorite. And we're always looking for more. Multislot armour, such as o-yoroi and battlesuits, will provide a lot of cover without a lot of fuss. Four of those will serve our needs for at least a couple days.

Get four str meals

We were able to relocate a lot of people quickly, but in doing so, we had to leave a lot behind. Now we have a crowd and not a lot of food to share. Master chef meals offer the best results, giving the highest effects reliably. Get four with str on them.

Kill Kilgader the Packmaster

There are many nasties in the ruins of Astacia, but some have a leader. Kilgader, a skaven of exceptional skill, commands a legion of rats of different sizes, aggressiveness, and amounts of disease. If he were taken out, these vermin would scatter.

Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Kill the demon Melcross

Demons within striking range of our refugees is unacceptable. One named demon, going by Melcross, has gotten our attention. Find his lair and slay him. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Kill an Entelodont

Our hunters have heard strange, and concerning, rumors about a beast known only as the 'Entolodont'. We know very little about it, save that it's a kind of massive carnivore that can rip a lion, drake, or trained soldier apart in seconds. See if you can find and slay one, so we know what the hell we're dealing with.

Kill a seamonster

It is not just rogue ships that attack ours, but also the larger beasts in the ocean as well. Seamonsters and giant squid are causing significant damage to passing vessels, and have even sunk a couple. We're done with that. Kill one and we'll know a clear path to sail.

Kill 3 Dahbec dragons

The Castle Dahbec and the surrounding areas offer a lot to be concerned about, but evil dragons raining death out of the sky is near the top of our list. Worse, they might align themselves with some of our reptilian enemies. Focus their attention inwards by invading their territory and killing off three of the larger ones. Don't get killed going after their biggest.

Destroy 5 Famine ghouls

We're short on food, but it could be worse. The Village of Famine has spawned a number of exceptionally ravenous undead, and it's possible they will come here to eat our food, or our refugees. Thin out their numbers to buy us some peace. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Kill 5 gremlins in the Fraggle Village

We're keen on picking up allies, especially allies that have a surplus of food to share. Our sprites have made contact with what we assume are distant cousins, the fraggles, who have loads of the stuff. However, they also have a problem -- gremlins. We pledged our support in exteriminating them. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Kill 5 Underdark drow

If there is one race that hates elves, ents, and faeries more than any other, it is the drow. And we've unintentionally relocated to a continent with a nasty cadre of them. Serious measures must be taken to keep them off our backs.

Kill 5 gnome/dwarf guards at the Mirror Mines

One of our competetor factions has attempted to make allies here, either to gain resources or armed help. We can't accept either. Focus your attention on the armed guards in the Mirror Mines, namely the dwarves and gnomes. Strike a blow harsh enough and they'll be forced to lick their wounds. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Kill 5 Outworld great cats

There are too damn many stealthy giant cats stalking the fields and forests of Lucentium. Granted, they seem to leave elves alone half the time, but our sprites and cromags are being ambushed and killed. This needs to be taken down a notch. Panthers, pumas, cheethas, I don't care. Kill five of then and the world will thank you. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Clear the VotK Harbour

As we bring in ships with people and supplies, we're being harassed by pirates and brigands. If they did not have a safe port of call nearby, we might get more ships to land safely. There are a variety of issues with the Valley of the Kings harbour, including thieves and undead, which make it appealling to such enemies. Kill a few of them so they get the hint and move on. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Show the training elf expert combat

We have a lot of new recruits, those who volunteered to help when they knew we needed assistance, quickly. But many of them haven't seen real combat. A practical, but non-lethal, demonstration of hand-to-hand or magical combat would go a long way. You can 'read' this note to see a location.

Disperse 3 elementals up the Adamantium Chain

Our druids, shamen, and priests are working hard to acclaimate to the local magic. We've had good results, but there's some interference. A group of elementals in a neary sky fortress are disrupting our naturalist magic by their very existence. It might not be their fault, but they will have to go.

Kill 5 NPC ship defenders

We're bringing in what soldiers we can from overseas, and what supplies we can spare with them. But the seas aren't safe. There are too many captains who don't seem to listen to reason, or any other form of diplomacy, and attack on sight. Board one and kill some of the defenders. Feel free to sink it afterwards if you feel so inclined. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Get the Stone Tablet from the VotK Tomb

We are still searching for information about these lands, including how our own elves might relate to the locals. We have some, but more is always welcome. Unfortunately, all the obvious have been searched by now. You might need to look underground, possibly in rooms for storing the dead.

Get the Chronosync Crystal from the Tower of Magicians

Some of the resources we're looking for are mystic in nature. We seek a type of 'spell battery', known as a chronosync crystal. Odds are, you could find one in the Tower of Magicians, most likely powering a small device, trap, or golem.

Find the Demon Clue in the Underdark

As our scouts and researchers try to find information or items of use, they are sometimes attacked. Elves are not welcome in the Underdark. One of our researchers, a druid, managed to get away using a mudpit spell. However, he mentioned some concerning things about his attacker, and we need to know what happened. See if you can find any clue that would lead us to this attacker's affiliation.

Ultra Hard Work

Bring a pouch of 10+ multicoloured gems

The draconians that serve Tiamat in the tower nearby use a special form of gem that changes colour. It has magical properties, plus of course the colours relate to their goddess's chromatic hues. We need to know more about them if we are to fight them. Ten should do it.

Get the Draconian Informant's Intel

We've heard word of one of the draconians in the tower who is willing to trade information for service. He sounds motivated, but we still recommend caution. Find out what he wants in exchange for his information, and get it from him. DO NOT KILL HIM.

Research the Draconian Tower Laboratory

The Draconian Tower has within it a well-stocked experimental arcane laboratory. Their top researcher is a bit of an eccentric genius, and we don't know what he's planning. In his lab, find something -- anything -- that might tell us what they're working on.