Demonic gate

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Revision as of 13:09, 18 November 2008 by Nuane (Talk | contribs)

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Demonic gate info from help file
No saving throw
Spell duration: 11 rounds
Type of spell: Neutral
Affecting stats: int
Cast type: teleportation
Spell point cost: missing low - 281
Spell words: missing spell words
This spell creates an intradimensional rift to darker planes. Better spell chance prods to the deeper planes of hell, where the more dangerous creatures trod. If a creature steps through the gate, it will feverishly attack everything and everybody in the neighbourhood. The Demonic entity usually does not harm the summoner, but chaotic elements often are unstable. The use of this spell is considered VERY evil.
List of things that enhance or grant access to this spell:

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