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Boots are an important part of the  wardrobe for traveling and outdoor work
and adventuring.  They are vital for protection against cold and wet condi-
tions as well as hot and rocky terrains.  Many peasants  need to wear boots
indoors as well, as their living conditions preclude much comfort or heat.

Boots may be found in many stages of design. One of the most popular is the
pointed toe variety.  The extended toe is  especially popular among perfor-
mers and jugglers,  although thieves would do well to avoid them. The poin-
ted toe tends to get in the way while climbing and running.

Another common and functional boot is the leather, mid-calf boot with roll-
tops, laced up the side.  A variation on the mid-calfboot is the  knee-high
boots, worn by peasants and called cockers.

Elegant designs  reign at court.  Such boots might be made of  soft leather
and even silk,  embroidered or inlaid with  gems.  These are more for  show
than any practical purpose.  See  shoe or  shoes for more information about

Slot(s):                                feet
Size:                                   large

Protection against:
 cut                                    mediocre
 stab                                   mediocre
 bash                                   poor
 other                                  mediocre