A wooden drum

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A wooden drum <red glow>
This drum frame is quite big. It is of oval shape and it is about two feet long and about a feet wide. The frame is made from very sturdy looking hard wooden material and it seems to be held together by sheer magic as no nails or ropes are visible. The membrane is made from fine white leather and tied securely on the frame with cloth rope. There is a small inscription on the back of the drum reading '<player>'. Some crude pictures of some animals have been drawn in the membrane of the drum. You could <look at animals on drum>.
It contains a tale;
This is the famous shamanic drum from the taiga.
Armour type: talisman
Stats: +6% quick chant with name, +3% othervise
It looks Light weight (1.2 kg)
Sacvalue: 172k
It is called called drum and identified as 'drum', 'shamanic drum', 'wooden drum' and 'talisman'
It takes the following slot: Held
Made of: 5% cloth, 30% birch, 50% petrified wood & 15% leather
Size: Missing size
Quality: inferior
From: LQ 53: Shamanic deed