Acid arrow

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Revision as of 12:52, 24 December 2008 by Nuane (Talk | contribs)

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Acid arrow info from help file
Saving throw: 1/2 damage
Spell duration: 3 rounds
Damage type: acid
Type of spell: attack spell.
Affecting stats: int/wis
Cast type: acid
Spell point cost: -
Spell words: missing spell words
The most basic of the true acid attack spells, is the spell acid arrow. Upon command, an thin stream of acid, much the size of an arrow, leaps from the casters fingers, and onto the target, where it loses shape and splashes the hopeless victim. While this spell has a relatively low damage potential compared to the more powerful acid spells, for the effort it takes to cast, it is feared because it can be used against a targets equipment.
List of things that enhance or grant access to this spell:

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