A faceless guardian

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Revision as of 02:06, 4 August 2010 by BlackSmith (Talk | contribs)

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A tall, man-shaped humanoid stands in front of you. It is clad in voluminous purple robes that cover most of its strong body, but shivers run up and down your spine as you look at the creature's shaded face: it has no face! The creature's cranium is grey in colour, and only detail on its head is a gaping, horrible maw that is lined with twisted, crystalline fangs. Where there should be eyes and nose, is only a smooth surface of its skull. The creature's hands seem to be equally unnatural - instead of having fingers, its hands contain an uneven number of curved, sharp blades that resemble shards of some dark crystal.
Guardian bloodspirit's equipment:

Head, neck, both hands, upper body and legs and feet: Cotton robes

Spells: Missing spells
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Millie's nightmare
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: Missing race
Exp worth: 75k