Venturers way

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..a few steps to earthen might, a few steps just go ahead me, but do I walk the right direction, is it here or there? Just a few steps, left or right. Spirits are what show the sight.

Venturers way is a bard spell that can be studied beginning at guild level 8. It restores some endurance points.

Helpfile Info

Song difficulty: Easy
No saving throw
Singing time: 5 rounds

Type of song: Heal

Affecting stat: dex
Sing type: Song
Song point cost: 121 -
'We still have to press on', said the heavily breathing slaver. 'But alas, our prisoners cannot take any longer and either can we', telepathed the young beholder-kin. 'So we end the day's march here, ensure that our accompanions will not try anything, and CEASE the one playing the lute.', the monster instructed forward.
Not a moment after heavy masses of a hundred slaves started bashing forward with renewed strength. 'Draen-dalar curse us, they are revolting', were the last words of the slaver before numbing blackness caught ..

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