Moonstone necklace

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name=moonstone necklace stats=+7 wis slot=neck armourtype=scarf material=moonstone quality= weight=a bit heavy sacvalue=522k desc=This necklace is made from tewnty-eight discs of carved, white moonstone. Each disc has a slight blue tint on part of it, and these blue tinted areas change from disc to disc to reflect the moon's phases. The disc at the front and center of the necklace is the full moon, which is noticably larger than all of the others. Joining each disc to the others is a small nub of silver.

It contains a tale;

This necklace was made from the purest silver by elven druids, acting to capture the moon's essence. It was to be sacrificed to Gaia in the druids' pool, but while it was carried to its destination, the Trilloch stole it from the courier as he slept. from=Trilloch's vault other=