Ring of Deep Shadows

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Revision as of 17:41, 10 October 2007 by Dreadlord (Talk | contribs)

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This ring is so fine that it must have been made for, if not by god. First the ring appears to be made of silk, but upon closer examination you realize that it is not. In fact it is made of the deepest of shadows! It feels weirdly wonderful but a bit too cold. The shadows are weaved in such a way that they form enigmatic shapes and marks along the body of the wearer. Additionally the shadows seem to move slowly as if they were alive!
Armour type: Missing type
Stats: +4 dam, sheds light
It looks 0.05kg (Weight in kgs unknown)
Sacvalue: 691050
It is called is called shadow ring of Curath, the Designer of Deception and identified as 'shadow', 'shadow ring', 'ring', 'ring of Curath', 'divine ring' and 'finger guard'.
It takes the following slot: finger
Made of: enchanted air
Size: Missing size
Quality: exceptional
From: Shelaste, Shadow Maze
Other info: Automatically repairs itself when worn and does some damage if there's something to repair.