A old comfortable looking woman is looking at you

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Revision as of 12:46, 9 March 2009 by Nuane (Talk | contribs)

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As you look closer you get more confident that this woman really knows what to do. You feel perfectly at ease.
Just 'say help me' if you need instructions.
Spells: disintegrate
Skills: Missing skills
Area: City hospital in Arelium
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: human
Exp worth: Missing exp worth
Other info: Healer says: You can heal yourself here. The commands are heal and cure and you must say who I shall heal. Like in: say heal Well (or something like that) Heal command gives 2hp/sec, while cure gives 4hp/sec. Heal costs 20gp/hp and cure 40gp/hp. You must be in this room while it heals you.