King Elah of Maelstrom

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King Elah is huge, towering over you at twenty feet tall. The water which

surrounds him looks to be about a foot think, and shakes to-and-fro whenever he moves his large but nimble frame.

King Elah of Maelstrom's equipment:

Belt: [[King Elah's broad band of water <red glow>]] Wielded in right hand: [[ a flail spluttering with the power of the maelstrom <red glow>]] Inventory: Inventory: Piece of a shield (random?)

Spells: hailstorm, cold ray
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Riftwalker cave
Alignment:  ?
Race:  ?
Exp worth: 655k exp
Aggressive: no
Other info: Requires riftwalkers to open passage to.