Lareawia Adwoalla the legendary adventurer

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Lareawia Adwoalla is one of the most famous adventurers in Calythien. According to rumours and legends she has been to every city and every area in the entire continent. She possesses the gift of beauty as well as the one of adventuring. Her long red hair falls gently over her soft leather tunic.
Lareawia's equipment:

Torso: a leather muscle shirt

Wielded in left claw: a silver sai

Wielded in right claw: a silver sai

Both feet: leather boots

Upper body (partially hidden) : a nice white blouse

Both legs: a normal black pair of pants

Spells: poison
Skills: dirty fighting, stab
Area: Calythien
Alignment: good
Race: human
Exp worth: 115k