Shargan Schöppen the ogre master smith

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A large humanoid with monstrous features. The frame is awesome and his arms are bulging with muscles. The shaved head, the small mean red eyes and sharpened canine teeths are a frightening sight. The skin is yellow and he got a large chinbone, typical for ogres. Shargan stands three foot taller then a normal ogre. He wear a smiths apron and never have you seen such muscles before.
Shargan's equipment:

Arm: A leather pumpkin shoulder pad (random)

Cloak: A cloak made of snake skins (random)

Wielded in left claw: A steel warhammer

Wielded in right claw: A steel warhammer

Spells: Missing spells
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Renardy
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: ogre
Exp worth: 71519