This is the real list of good races

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The background color indicates how many rebirths is needed to get access to the race: elder, ancient and eternal.

Race Str % Dex % Con % Int % Wis % Size Exp Rate Skill Max Skill Cost Spell Max Spell Cost HPR SPR FastHB Vision Infra See Magic See Invisibility Eat Corpses Allergic to Water Sensitive to Surroundings Empathic Avoid Death ½ stats if Lifespan Armour class Special Race guild
Barsoomian mediocre impressive good weak paltry mediocre reliable great 100% above average 140% data-sort-value="2"|slow very slow average x x short 5 They have four arms. They cannot wear rigs. The Monkey Squad
Brownie feeble great feeble good excellent crude excellent excellent 110% unearthly 80% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast x good x x x x evil long 4 The Elusive Brownies
Catfolk good excellent average mediocre mediocre average excellent superb 90% impressive 90% data-sort-value="2"|slow average excellent x x short 8 Wet fur slows them down. The Followers of Silvan the Vagabond
Centaur impressive weak superb crude above average impressive excellent excellent 85% reliable 85% data-sort-value="2"|slow average good x short 8 They can attack with their hooves. They can wear two rigs. The Riders of the Storm
Cromagnon good average reliable paltry paltry great UNGODLY impressive 120% mediocre 170% data-sort-value="3"|average very slow average short 17 The Club Club
Cyclops UNGODLY weak UNGODLY little little unearthly excellent reliable 115% weak 180% data-sort-value="3"|average very slow average short 25 They have a weakness against psychic attacks but they can eat animals to gain momentary boost to stats. School of Survival for one-eyes
Demon reliable mediocre great average low impressive reliable impressive 120% impressive 130% data-sort-value="3"|average average x good x x x x x x good long 32 They can wear a tail ring. The Angels of Despair
Doppelganger  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ?  ? slow fast average x x short They can appear as members of any other race and can only be joined if you have an invitation from a member of this race. The Defrauders
Draconian excellent excellent good paltry paltry impressive excellent excellent 120% mediocre 140% data-sort-value="3"|average slow bad x x long 56 They can change briefly into dragons at higher levels. They can wear a tail ring. They can attack with their tail. The Dark Alliance
Drow mediocre reliable mediocre good superb low reliable unearthly 90% unearthly 100% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast excellent x x good long 8 Monsters can't detect them if the room is dark enough. Denizens of the Underdark
Duck crude above average low impressive good crude excellent excellent 120% UNGODLY 80% data-sort-value="1"|very slow very fast x good x short 7 They got strong enough wings to fly. Citizens of the Pond
Duergar reliable above average excellent weak mediocre average impressive superb 85% excellent 160% data-sort-value="2"|slow slow bad x good long 21 The Profaners of Earth
Dwarf great average excellent low mediocre mediocre impressive UNGODLY 77% great 130% data-sort-value="3"|average slow average x long 16 The Crafters of Rock
Elf low good low great excellent mediocre reliable unearthly 100% UNGODLY 90% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast excellent x x Evil long 8 Animals won't attack on them at woods. The Forester Guild
Ent excellent non-existent mediocre low UNGODLY superb impressive superb 130% superb 70% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast average long 28 They heal faster when in water but regenerate only in lit places. They can suck nutrition out of the ground. Their metabolism is affected by season, winter slows them down. The Treeherders
Gargoyle reliable mediocre superb meager meager superb reliable excellent 120% mediocre 168% data-sort-value="1"|very slow very slow excellent x x long 59 They can improve their body by sacrificing money at their shrine. Eternal Guardians
Giant UNGODLY weak superb little little UNGODLY excellent excellent 100% low 180% data-sort-value="3"|average very slow average short 24 The Tribal Grounds of Giants
Gnoll good average average low average above average UNGODLY excellent 120% good 120% data-sort-value="2"|slow average average x short 8 They help each out when acting as a pack. The Outcasts
Gnome weak above average weak average impressive low unearthly great 80% superb 90% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast x bad x average 7 Making gadgets is their speciality. The Collegium of Inventors
Hobbit low superb good average good crude UNGODLY UNGODLY 80% reliable 140% data-sort-value="2"|slow average average x short 9 They can burrow themselves to a peaceful place to be. Shirrifs of Shire
Human average average average average average average UNGODLY UNGODLY 85% unearthly 85% data-sort-value="2"|slow fast average short 8 School of Hard Knox
Kobold low mediocre weak average low weak UNGODLY great 100% impressive 80% data-sort-value="1"|very slow average x bad x x short 8 They help each out when acting as a pack. The Kobold Tunnel Rats
Leech crude unearthly crude great mediocre feeble UNGODLY great 100% superb 55% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast x bad x short 10 They can't eat normal food, nor can they use any weapon that requires the use of two hands. Blood Brothers with Attitude
Leprechaun paltry impressive paltry impressive great crude reliable impressive 120% unearthly 100% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast x excellent x x x long 4 They have ability to immediately escape to outerworld by small gold fee. The Order of the Shamrock
Lich mediocre mediocre mediocre mediocre mediocre average impressive unearthly 120% UNGODLY 110% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast average x long 45 By sucking souls from corpses they increase their stats. The Shadows of Maosoleum
Lizardman great great excellent meager weak great impressive excellent 100% good 120% data-sort-value="3"|average slow average x x short 30 They can not eat normal food. Snakes leaves them alone. They Hiss when talking. They can attack with their tail. The Hall of the Slithering Horde
Merfolk low weak average reliable reliable mediocre impressive reliable 105% superb 100% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast average short 8 They heal faster when in water and stay underwater indefinitely. They get fmeta when immersed in water. The Seven Sea Chorus
Minotaur excellent average impressive paltry paltry impressive excellent excellent 90% above average 150% data-sort-value="3"|average average average x x short 23 They can attack with their horns. The Order of the Raging Bull
Moomin low good mediocre reliable reliable mediocre superb excellent 100% unearthly 105% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast x average x x x long 8 You need invitation from Backlash<analytics uacct="UA-3466433-3" ></analytics> to join the race. The Groke Defense
Ogre impressive weak superb crude crude impressive excellent reliable 80% good 180% data-sort-value="3"|average slow average short 16 The Galfang's School of Mercenaries
Orc reliable good excellent paltry weak great unearthly excellent 90% above average 140% data-sort-value="3"|average average bad x x lit outdoor short 30 They help each out when acting as a pack. The Orcish Raiders
Penguin crude little average good reliable weak unearthly great 120% superb 80% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast x good x average 7 They heal faster when in water. You need invitation from Alvin<analytics uacct="UA-3466433-3" ></analytics> to join the race. The Arctic Law, The Polar Police
Satyr low reliable above average good great low unearthly impressive 90% impressive 90% data-sort-value="1"|very slow average good x x short 12 They can sing songs that help regening. They can wear a tail ring. The Revelers of the Night
Shadow crude average average great great average reliable unearthly 89% unearthly 93% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast x excellent x x x x long 4 They only regenerate in dark places. By focusing they can produce more mana with the cost of their health or endurance. They can turn invisible as a racial speciality. Soldiers of Oblivion
Skeleton good good good low low average superb unearthly 90% excellent 100% data-sort-value="1"|very slow average average x long 45 They are immune to poisons and they don't need to breath. The Maosoleum Defense Corps
Sprite feeble UNGODLY paltry good great crude unearthly UNGODLY 130% UNGODLY 80% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast x good x x x short 4 They have wings which they can attack with, but they are too small to use two-handed weapons. They also shed light and are able to give immediate first aid to other characters with the cost of their mana. The Wisps of the Forest
Thrikhren paltry feeble paltry UNGODLY above average weak excellent excellent 130% UNGODLY 85% data-sort-value="1"|very slow very fast x average x x x very short 15 The Mantis Warriors
Tinmen above average weak good great meager good superb impressive 90% excellent 80% data-sort-value="1"|very slow average bad x x x x short 62 The Tinmen Collective
Titan superb mediocre superb paltry paltry UNGODLY excellent impressive 120% reliable 140% data-sort-value="3"|average average excellent x long 26 They can stomp the ground to produce a shockwave. The Royal Warriors
Troll impressive low impressive paltry crude excellent excellent impressive 90% average 140% data-sort-value="3"|average slow bad x x x x lit outdoor short 32 The Bridge Trolls Union
Valar excellent great above average above average excellent excellent reliable superb 70% impressive 120% data-sort-value="2"|slow fast good x evil short 6 You need invitation from Tulkas<analytics uacct="UA-3466433-3" ></analytics> to join the race. The Celestial Warriors
Vampire low good mediocre reliable reliable average reliable excellent 90% UNGODLY 90% data-sort-value="1"|very slow very fast x excellent x x x x x x long 9 They do not regenerate in lit places, they can not eat normal food and need to suck other players blood to satisfy their hunger. The Princes of Darkness
Wolfman above average above average reliable low low good UNGODLY impressive 110% reliable 110% data-sort-value="3"|average average good x x x short 13 If their fur gets caught in fire, they will flee in terror. The Wolfbane Elite Commando
Zombie weak meager UNGODLY weak impressive mediocre superb great 150% superb 50% data-sort-value="1"|very slow fast bad x x x very long 9 The Children of the Zombies
Race Str % Dex % Con % Int % Wis % Size Exp Rate Skill Max Skill Cost Spell Max Spell Cost HPR SPR FastHB Vision Infra See Magic See Invisibility Eat Corpses Allergic to Water Sensitive to Surroundings Empathic Avoid Death ½ stats if Lifespan Armour class Special Race guild

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