Blood of the Innocent

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 | Name: Blood of the Innocent                                      |
 | Rating: Average                                                  |
 | Time to Complete: 2h, 11min and 40s                              |
 | Extra equipment: No                                              |
 | Total of 4 nuns may do this task at the same time                |
 | Bonuses                                                          |
 |    Cleanse heathen                                            10 |
 |    Heavenly protection                                        31 |
 | Description                                                      |
 |   One of the evil lords is in rampage, slaughtering hundreds     |
 |   of innocent mortals. It is our duty as beings of light to      |
 |   oppose the forces of darkness. We have not yet learned the     |
 |   name of the evil Lord behind the slaughters but we do know     |
 |   one of its minions involved. Your job is to find this          |
 |   minion and with your holy touch burn the symbol of Las on      |
 |   its forehead and slay it so we can pull the necessary          |
 |   information out of it. We will then inform how to proceed      |
 |   from there.                                                    |
 | Help                                                             |
 |   Once started we will give out the name of the minion. Once     |
 |   found the minion 'touch' it to burn the symbol of Las on       |
 |   its forehead and then slay it. The elders will inform you      |
 |   how to proceed from there.                                     |