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Revision as of 12:23, 20 June 2007

 | Name: Heal and nourish                                           |
 | Rating: Easy                                                     |
 | Time to Complete: 4d                                             |
 | Extra equipment: No                                              |
 | Bonuses                                                          |
 |    Satiate person                                             41 |
 |    Stat wis                                                    1 |
 |    Cure serious wounds                                        27 |
 | Description                                                      |
 |   Heal the sick and nourish the hungry. You must journey         |
 |   through the Bat realm and heal those who need it and           |
 |   satiate those who are hungry. Touching your halo will          |
 |   reveal how close you are in achieving enlightenment. You       |
 |   will see the light when you have fulfilled your task. Go       |
 |   now, the less fortunate need your help.                        |
 | Help                                                             |
 |   Remember, healing and satiating the same person gets you       |
 |   nowhere!                                                       |