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Revision as of 12:23, 20 June 2007

 | Name: Find valentina                                             |
 | Rating: Easy                                                     |
 | Time to Complete: 1h                                             |
 | Extra equipment: No                                              |
 | Bonuses                                                          |
 |    Dispel evil                                                15 |
 |    Saintly touch                                              26 |
 |    Stat wis                                                    1 |
 | Description                                                      |
 |   Sister Valentina is the most powerful nun actively slaying     |
 |   the forces of evil. She is wandering in areas occupied by      |
 |   undead and evil beings. Sister Alma has an important           |
 |   message to her and you have to deliver it in one hour.         |
 | Help                                                             |
 |   Find sister Alma and she will give you the scroll              |
 |   containing the message. Then hurry up, you only have one       |
 |   hour to find Sister Valentina and give the message to her.     |