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Charge staff info from help file
No saving throw
Spell duration: 10 rounds
Type of spell: Neutral
Affecting stats: int/wis
Cast type: runes
Spell point cost: 38 -
Spell words:
The one item every druid requires, is his or her staff. Through this staff, their druidic power is channeled and brought forth into this world. Without their staff, they are unable to channel their power effectively. The staff therefore must be imbued with some of the power of the caster in order to effectively draw the power of nature from the environment. Constant use of the staff, causes it to lose charge. This requires the druid to charge the staff at regular occasions or risk losing much or all of his power at a time when he may need it most.


cast charge staff at amount <number>
cast charge staff at amount all

Use sensecharge staff to see the charge on your staff. The staff charge progression goes:

  • eerie green
  • eerie yellow
  • eerie cyan
  • ...
  • bright red
List of things that enhance or grant access to this spell:

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Staff get charged