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   |  atleast eleven rounds inside the battleground.                |
   |  atleast eleven rounds inside the battleground.                |
[[Category:Nun task]]

Latest revision as of 12:34, 16 June 2010

 | Name: Torment and Agony                                          |
 | Rating: Pure Agony                                               |
 | Time to Complete: 2d                                             |
 | Extra equipment: No                                              |
 | Bonuses                                                          |
 |    Knowledge of dispelling                                     8 |
 |    Power of faith                                             10 |
 |    Sp regen                                                    1 |
 |    Stat wis                                                    1 |
 |    Stat int                                                    1 |
 |    Celestial haven                                             5 |
 |    Might of the saints                                         8 |
 | Description                                                      |
 |   This is the final inquisition of the Guild given by Sister     |
 |   Alysia who can be found above Caverns of Chaos. She is         |
 |   known with her unique power to create an illusionary           |
 |   battleground where tested person must then destroy any         |
 |   opponent given to her. Any nun may test her skills inside      |
 |   the battleground and measure one's worthy in the battle        |
 |   against the evil. When illusionary battle is over one's        |
 |   worthy is then evaluated and those nuns names who have         |
 |   achieved the highest points are engraved to the stone. So      |
 |   that others may then compare their achievements in the holy    |
 |   battleground. With this task nun can show to the elders        |
 |   that she is fully learned by lasting atleast eleven rounds     |
 |   inside the battleground.                                       |
 | Help                                                             |
 |   Find Sister Alysia and ask her about test of faith and she     |
 |   will give you more detailed info. Your goal is to pass         |
 |   atleast eleven rounds inside the battleground.                 |