Template talk:Spell

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Revision as of 13:49, 18 October 2008 by BlackSmith (Talk | contribs)

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  • Find a fix to get links to spells work e.g. template/plugin replacing spaces with _'s.
  • List items inside of article instead of using category page for listing. BlackSmith 13:49, 18 October 2008 (EEST)
  • Some better way to categorise spell according to "Type of spell:". BlackSmith 19:08, 7 September 2008 (EEST)

Some thoughts

  • The whole concept of having another page in addition to category:spell is still questionable. Why couldn't you just have put the same info in the category page? But since you've already in good way of doing these...
  • The "To list of Mirror image" sounds silly, i'd suggest something in the lines of "For the list of articles involving Mirror image, see: Category:Mirror image" or something like that.
  • The categories are questionable as well. "Neutral spell" is fine I guess, since it doesn't yet exist in other forms, but those "Affecting stat int" and "Cast type protection" could've as well point to the already existing category:int and category:cast protection.


  • The categorys are reserved for list of articels that have something to do with that article. Its main use is not to be a article that a user reads. Instead its a more of a wiki sided feature that allows listing of articles for editors and offers a tool. When a user comes to wiki and he wants to read about blaaa, he should access that article about blaa by writing blaa in search, not by writing category:blaa. If the articels are "hidden" behind category prefix, the information is miss located and the category is miss used. It is not then a category about articles, its a article itself thus against wikis working idea.
  • True, that should actually be changed to list of articles dynamicly done with dpl. The silly link is done with Template:Link to Category and should be honed. Both name and implementation vise.
  • Idea of those is to list spells by different stats. If you add those spells to C:int or C:cast protection then you miss use those categorys as they are lists of articles that gives those and no spell gives cast protection. If you include Psychic crush to C:int that would mean that it would give int to its users, something it does not do. Head to Talk:Categories for more info/discussion.

-- BlackSmith 19:55, 7 September 2008 (EEST)