Large blue snake-tailed, snake-haired woman

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Revision as of 14:53, 15 October 2009 by Nuane (Talk | contribs)

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This hideous monstrosity has the shape of a woman from the waist up, and a snake from the waist down (replacing her legs). This alone would be disturbing, but this woman is also twice as tall as any normal human gets. Add to that the fact that her skin is sea-blue and her hair is a seething mass of blue and white snakes, and you have a frightening creature indeed. Her eyes blaze with powerful blue-white light.
Ice gorgon's equipment:

Wielded in left hand: An ice composite bow

Wielded in right hand: An ice great axe

Spells: darkfire, icebolt
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Trilloch's Zoo
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: gorgon
Exp worth: 126 - 137k