System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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abusefilter-examine-diff (Talk) (Translate) Diff URL:
abusefilter-examine-incompatible (Talk) (Translate) The change you requested is not supported by the Abuse Filter
abusefilter-examine-intro (Talk) (Translate) This page allows you to examine the variables generated by the Abuse Filter for an individual change, and test it against filters.
abusefilter-examine-legend (Talk) (Translate) Select changes
abusefilter-examine-match (Talk) (Translate) The filter matched this change.
abusefilter-examine-nomatch (Talk) (Translate) The filter did not match this change.
abusefilter-examine-noresults (Talk) (Translate) No results were found for the search parameters you provided.
abusefilter-examine-notfound (Talk) (Translate) The change you requested could not be found.
abusefilter-examine-submit (Talk) (Translate) Search
abusefilter-examine-syntaxerror (Talk) (Translate) The filter has invalid syntax
abusefilter-examine-test (Talk) (Translate) Test this change against a filter
abusefilter-examine-test-button (Talk) (Translate) Test filter
abusefilter-examine-title (Talk) (Translate) Page title:
abusefilter-examine-user (Talk) (Translate) User:
abusefilter-examine-vars (Talk) (Translate) Variables generated for this change
abusefilter-exception-dividebyzero (Talk) (Translate) Illegal attempt to divide $2 by zero at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-expectednotfound (Talk) (Translate) Expected a $2 at character $1, not found (found $3 $4 instead).
abusefilter-exception-invalidoperator (Talk) (Translate) Invalid operator "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-noparams (Talk) (Translate) No parameters given to function "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-notenoughargs (Talk) (Translate) Not enough arguments to function $2 called at character $1. Expected $3 {{PLURAL:$3|argument|arguments}}, got $4
abusefilter-exception-notlist (Talk) (Translate) Requesting array item of non-array at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-outofbounds (Talk) (Translate) Requesting non-existent list item $2 (list size = $3) at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-overridebuiltin (Talk) (Translate) Illegal overriding of built-in variable "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-regexfailure (Talk) (Translate) Error in regular expression "$3" at character $1: "$2"
abusefilter-exception-unclosedstring (Talk) (Translate) Unclosed string starting at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unexpectedatend (Talk) (Translate) Unexpected "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unexpectedtoken (Talk) (Translate) Unexpected token "$3" (of type $2) at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unrecognisedkeyword (Talk) (Translate) Unrecognized keyword $2 at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unrecognisedtoken (Talk) (Translate) Unrecognized token "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unrecognisedvar (Talk) (Translate) Unrecognized variable $2 at character $1.
abusefilter-filter-log (Talk) (Translate) Recent filter changes
abusefilter-group-default (Talk) (Translate) Default
abusefilter-hidden (Talk) (Translate) Private
abusefilter-history (Talk) (Translate) Change history for Abuse Filter #$1
abusefilter-history-actions (Talk) (Translate) Actions
abusefilter-history-backedit (Talk) (Translate) Back to filter editor
abusefilter-history-comments (Talk) (Translate) Comments
abusefilter-history-deleted (Talk) (Translate) Deleted
abusefilter-history-diff (Talk) (Translate) Changes
abusefilter-history-enabled (Talk) (Translate) Enabled
abusefilter-history-error-hidden (Talk) (Translate) The filter you requested is hidden, and you cannot view its history.
abusefilter-history-filter (Talk) (Translate) Filter rule
abusefilter-history-filterid (Talk) (Translate) Filter
abusefilter-history-flags (Talk) (Translate) Flags
abusefilter-history-foruser (Talk) (Translate) Changes by $1
abusefilter-history-global (Talk) (Translate) Global
abusefilter-history-hidden (Talk) (Translate) Hidden
abusefilter-history-public (Talk) (Translate) Public filter description
abusefilter-history-select-legend (Talk) (Translate) Refine search
abusefilter-history-select-submit (Talk) (Translate) Refine
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