Watermelon Staff

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Revision as of 14:04, 8 July 2008 by BlackSmith (Talk | contribs)

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The watermelon staff was 'appropriated' by Tasslehoff, the Kender on one of his journeys. He must have found more interesting items to have left this valuable staff lying around.

There are tiny runic symbols carved on it. If you twist the staff maybe you can make them appear.

Armour type: rod
Stats: +4 str, -3 int & 'create watermellon'
It looks Light weight (0.6 kg)
Sacvalue: Missing sacvalue
It is called staff and identified as 'staff', 'watermelon staff' and 'rod'
It takes the following slot: Held
Made of: mallorn
Size: very small
Quality: standard
From: Missing where from gained