Ghoran the Dour

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Revision as of 21:18, 12 October 2008 by BlackSmith (Talk | contribs)

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Though they travel as a pair, there isn't much in common with the colourful Sturan and the grey Ghoran. In fact, they are more like opposites each other, one bright, the other dark, cheery and grim, loud and subdued. Ghoran is a veritable stone wall, conveying his wishes with grunts and withstanding blows without a whimper. At his side he has a huge two-handed maul which he uses with a terrifying efficiency. But money will turn even this man's head.
Ghoran's equipment:

Head, neck, both hands, both legs and upper body: An iron splint mail

Wielded in right claw: A tungsten maul

Spells: Does not cast spells
Skills: graple
Area: Encampment
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: Human
Exp worth: 71117