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Revision as of 12:48, 25 November 2008 by BlackSmith (Talk | contribs)

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About the article name

  • As far as I remember, it reads "New Rilynt'tar" in look when you are there. Isn't that as official as it gets? However, Rilynt'tar might be easier when it comes to consistency issues. Dunno. Comment. --Nuane 00:41, 25 November 2008 (EET)

Ues, the down right correct name is New Rilynt'tar per news and lore in city itself but then again, whats the old one? The wiki would coupe better with simple Rilynt'tar as othervise all articles pointing to plain rilly needs to fixed to New Rilynt'tar. I'd rather redirect users from new rilly to plain rilly and slap some history about the name to the article as there is only one rilly in the game. Would keep it easier in wiki sense to keep it plain Rilynt'tar. BlackSmith 11:48, 25 November 2008 (EET)