Xirtonne the artificer stands ready

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Revision as of 13:01, 5 March 2009 by Nuane (Talk | contribs)

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Xirtonne is a human in his mid to late forties. He is 5'9"/175 cm tall, not terribly strong looking, and his hair, beard, and mustache are starting to grey. There is a look of determination in his dark-brown eyes, that of a man on a mission (possibly the look of a man on a mission on which he knows he will not return). Xirtonne is carrying a large cloth pack, which appears to contain a variety of items.
Xirtonne's equipment:



Spells: channelspray, personal force field, channelball
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Wildspace
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: human
Exp worth: 105755 - 122093