Saelli, the false lord of the underworld (undead)

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Saelli reminds you little of the ent race, except that this one has just the trunk. It is translucent and glows in dim crimson light. Saelli is over fourty foot tall and over ten feet wide. There are some cuts in the base of its trunk. It has two long branches which act as its arms. Its head is just two big round eyes, nose, couple of straight sticks as hair and formidable foaming mouth with big yellow teeth on the upper end of its trunk. It is quite obvious it is about to kill you and all your companions with the most painful ways only a dead tree can come up with.
Missing equipment (equipment)
Spells: Magic eruption, Blast vacuum, Banish, Cure light wounds, Cold ray
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Taiga
Alignment: evil
Race: Ent
Exp worth: 518k - 604k