A giant mollo (undead)

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Mollo is a very large rodent that lives underground just like their smaller cousins, moles. Mollos are almost blind but by no means senseless. When they need to locate things, they rely on their nose, sense and especially their sixth senses. This mollo has dark brown fur and extremely dangerous looking claws in its forepaws. It is well over ten feet tall and atleast five feet wide on the waist. The fact that it has been dead for long time doesn't seem to have made him lose weight at all. Judging from its movement it seems like even in spirit form, this mollo weighs well over a ton.
Mollo's equipment:

Bracelet: a simple iron bracelet <red glow>

Spells: blast lightning
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Taiga
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: Missing race
Exp worth: 296k