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A place to rest in a ship. From Silverlake you can buy healing crystals, fireplaces, and firewood racks that can be placed in lounge to assist in your recovery from exertion. A fully stocked lounge isn't quite as good as a player city crystal combined with a ranger's campfire, but they are still pretty effective.


This special crystal has been bethed in the healing waters of Nivinia, and further enchanted by a cleric of Las. The result is a pleasing aura which helps put one's mind in a relaxed state. This orb may be placed in any ship's lounge.

Enchanted spheres can be added to lounges to help with your spellpoint and to a lesser extent, endurance point regain. They need no fuel, and give better spell points than a player city crystal, but less endurance points. From silverlake for ~40k gold.


A true wood-burning fireplace, this unit can be installed into any ship's lounge, and can be used to provide warmth for your guests. It even has a special auto-ignition device that will ignite anything made of wood placed inside.

Lounges can be equipped with fireplaces to speed the recovery of hit points and to a lesser extent endurance points for all those in the room. Many wooden items can be dumped in to instantly catch fire. The strength and duration of the fire depends on how much wood has been added to it, but even just a handful of torches will last a decent while. From silverlake for ~40k gold.

Firewood rack

Firewood racks offer a long term storage solution for firewood. To restock it, place <wooden item> in rack butn ote that they need to be heavier than 1kg. Just stoke to add more wood to fireplace. From silverlake for ~15k gold.