Quintinity is a player city located near Temple of the Twisted Prophecies. It was founded in 2002 to accomodate few enthusiastic players, the most famous of whom may be a legendary player called Pehtoori. Later Quintinity was expanded to offer housing not only for members of the city council but also for friends and good reputed players. The members of the city council of Quintinity are Puptah, Pehtoori, Yehat and Zipob. There are two secret societies located in the city, namely byro+ and omen+.
During summer 2006 another player city was built between Quintinity and Temple of the Twisted Prophecies. Most likely the city of Monopoly was born because Quintinity was making good profit from silk robes. Unfortunately for the owner of Monopoly the value of silk robes collapsed only weeks after the city was founded.
The Map of Quintinity
vfffffff^^^^^^^^ Q quest_room a ability_room v.ER.gT########^ T town_hall E exchange vl....X#L.....#^ t tobaccoshop S sauna v.....%##.ccc.#^ c house % bar v...p..GG.c.c.#^ x exp_plaque t typo_office vA....t##.ccc.#^ B bank X society_pkill vA....S#H.....#^ . road V vaxmuseum v.BW.Fk########^ # wall q quest_plaque v###G###vvvvvvv^ A armoury L library v#cc.cc#v v#cc.cc#v v#.....#v v#cc.cc#v v#cc.cc#v v#######v
Location of Quintinity
Quintinity resides east of Temple of the Twisted Prophecies, Monopoly being the city between the two.
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