Batclient triggers barbarian
From BatWiki
SCRIPT_NAME = "barb"; SCRIPT_DESC = "generic barb triggers"; SCRIPT_OFF = false; // Barbarian Triggers with regexes copied from various sources. // Please report bugs/improvements to Pisano. Color red = new Color(127, 0, 0); Color light_magenta = new Color(255, 0, 255); void bootup() { triggerManager.newTrigger("barb_senses", "^Your barbaric senses take over you.", "party report Barbaric senses.", false, true, false, new Color[]{light_magenta}, Font.PLAIN); triggerManager.newTrigger("barb_senses_2", "^You feel your barbaric senses taking over you.", "party report Barbaric senses!", false, true, false, new Color[]{light_magenta}, Font.PLAIN); triggerManager.newTrigger("barb_senses_3", "^YYour battle sense is at its peak! Time seems to slow down, your enemy seems pitiful!", "party report Barbaric senses!!", false, true, false, new Color[]{light_magenta}, Font.PLAIN); triggerManager.newTrigger("barb_lure_f", "^You fail to make any use of your opportunity!$", "party report Lure failed!", false, true, false, new Color[]{light_magenta}, Font.PLAIN); triggerManager.newTrigger("barb_lure_f2", "^...but you fail to outwit your enemy, which ([ A-ZÄÅÖa-zäå',._-]*) notices!$", "party report Lure failed! I was outwitted.", false, true, false, new Color[]{light_magenta}, Font.PLAIN); triggerManager.newTrigger("barb_lure_1", "^You have trouble but manage to", "party report 1 round Lure", false, true, false, new Color[]{light_magenta}, Font.PLAIN); triggerManager.newTrigger("barb_lure_2", "^You valiantly strike back at", "party report 2 round Lure", false, true, false, new Color[]{light_magenta}, Font.PLAIN); triggerManager.newTrigger("barb_lure_3", "^You see opportunity and butt the shaft", "party report 3 round Lure", false, true, false, new Color[]{light_magenta}, Font.PLAIN); triggerManager.newTrigger("barb_lure_4", "^You go \'GOTCHA!\'", "party report 4 round Lure", false, true, false, new Color[]{light_magenta}, Font.PLAIN); triggerManager.newTrigger("barb_lure_5", "^And brutally shove your weapon down", "party report 5 round Lure", false, true, false, new Color[]{light_magenta}, Font.PLAIN); triggerManager.newTrigger("barb_lure_m", "^But ([ A-ZÄÅÖa-zäå',._-]*)\'s extreme knowledge in stunned maneuvers", "$"+SCRIPT_NAME+".alreadyLured", false, true, false, new Color[]{red}, Font.PLAIN); triggerManager.newTrigger("barb_lure_ig", "^([A-Za-z '-]*) ignores your lure.", "$"+SCRIPT_NAME+".ignoredLured", false, true, false, new Color[]{red}, Font.PLAIN); triggerManager.newTrigger("barb_lure_already", "^([A-Za-z '-]*) doesn\'t make a careless attack, (he|she|it) seems to know that trick already.", "$"+SCRIPT_NAME+".alreadyLured", false, true, false, new Color[]{red}, Font.PLAIN); } void alreadyLured() { String who = vars.get(1); clientGUI.doCommand("party report Drat! " + who + " was already lured."); } void maneuveredLure() { String who = vars.get(1); clientGUI.doCommand("party report Damn! " + who + " maneuvered lure!"); } void ignoredLure() { String who = vars.get(1); clientGUI.doCommand("party report Aargh! " + who + " ignored lure!"); }