Feldspar tasks

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List of different daily tasks you can get from Secretary Fingledrell, humanoid resources director. Only task and 'assemble kit/pack' info, no guides on how to do them.

Completing task gives experience, money and favors.

  • Easy work:
  • Medium work: 40k exp, 1000 platinum coins and 50 favor. (2000 max)
  • Hard work: 90k exp, 225 batium coins and 100 favor.(3000 max)
  • Ultra work: 150k exp, 50 mithril and 100 favor. (4000 max)

Favors can be spent at the Feldspar Conglomerate.

Easy work

Medium work

Kill five Highlanders

We've taken another defense contract, in our ongoing efforts to secure favor with the locals. This time, the village of Sunderland, which is under attack by highlanders. Make a point of killing a few of them to show the villagers our willingness to adhere to the terms of the contract, so they will adhere to theirs. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Kill an Iron Golem in Tiburcio Toweer

As finding skilled, competent, low-cost workers continues to be a problem for us, we've been branching out into golems. Unfortunately, our channelers keep mentioning something called 'feedback' from other golems in the area. They've traced one back to Tiburcio Tower. Break it. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Kill four Bloodworms

Our attempts to get fresh produce from local sources continues to meet new and sarcastic-quotes 'fun' obstacles. In particular, in the village of Buckthorn Valley, they are complaining about giant, aggressive vermin known as 'bloodworms' harassing the farmers and livestock. Take a few of them out so they can get back to working for us and supplying our troops. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Kill the Farsmith Family in Calythen

Very little aggravates the Feldspar more than blatant rejection. We were counting on a very specific smith, one dwarf Ferin Farsmith, to Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Kill a Desolathya tavern owner

Our supplies are low, and amongst the one we need the most is a stable food supply. Desolathya is loaded with food, but too much of it goes to other establishments. Find and kill one of the restaurant, pub, bar or tavern owners on this continent to free up some food delivery to our cause. We have the names 'Tika Waylan', 'Bobby', and 'Shaun Caraugh' here, but there might be others who qualify. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Get the channeler report from Tiburcio Tower

As we continue to research golems in these lands, we follow up on any leads on them we can get. We heard about some stone golems in the tower of Tiburcio's Castle, and one of our channelers was dispatched to buy information on its construction. He has not returned. Get his report, regardless of his condition.

Destroy the skeleton of the luckless adventurer

The Feldspar don't do charity, but we do sometimes want to curry favor with those who do. One of the rich, powerful families we want to ally with lost a member some time ago, adventuring in the maze of Zorn. We need confirmation of his death, no matter the form in which you find the body. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Kill 5 Ruins of El Deagnoh looters

Ugh! We have a crack team of miners ready to loot some ancient ruins, but it turns out, they weren't the first ones there! Head that way, kill a few, and leave their bodies to rot in the sun to act as a warning to the rest. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

File five hunting claims

As we try to organize our ranks here, we're trying to keep everyone involved without tripping over each other. It's not always easy. Some of our craftsmen need animal parts, meat, bone, leather. Others enjoy hunting for sport. Find five prime hunting locations, with enough quantity or quality of animals nearby to keep them happy.

Hard work

Dig up the Lost Suuplies

Some of our scouts were in the Mythical Valley, exploring the desert for...I dunno, probably another pyramid. Anyhow, they were spotted by hostile forces and were forced to flee, leaving some of their supplies they'd buried in a cache. We need them back. Bring a shovel.

Kill 5 Necorp mercenaries

We're looking to recruit mercenaries, as you may have heard, but some other groups are waging economic war with us. By offering higher payment, they stifle our ability to get any form of help. Head for Millie's Nightmare, find the Necorp mercenaries, and put a dent in their ranks. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Pick 30 fresh thistles

Our runemages and channelers won't shut up about how useful 'fresh' plants are. It's getting annoying. Problem is, objectively, they're right. So now, we need a buttload of them. That's 30 samples of thistle, just so we're clear.

Fill the fuel harvester

We're constantly low on fuel. Lamp oil is difficult to get in these lands, and we don't have a good supply left. Some of our gnome researchers gave us a list of acceptable sources, and this...thing...to acquire them. Take this keg contraption around and see what kind of fuel you can collect in it to keep us up and running.

Possible items to harvest

  • certain plants, such as wheat and corn
  • certain raw materials, such as coal and sulphur
  • dead marine animals, such as whales
  • raw meat and fish
  • certain light sources, such as lamps and lanterns

Syntax: harvest <item in inventory or on ground>

Complete the office decour guide

This mission's kind of nonstandard. As we set up our new offices, we'll need the usual trappings, windows, tables, yadda yadda yadda. We have interior designers on staff, but none of them have the local experience. We need something that puts our guets at ease, not remind them how 'foreign' we are. Take this sketch pad and survey different furnishings, and bring it back so our design team can make use of it.

Get six pairs of rubber socks

Our workers are on their feet more often than they'd like, but not as often as we'd like. Feet are a common complaint. Perhaps if we had socks that weren't just waterproof and sweatproof, but provided maximum cushioning, they'd at least complain less. Get six pairs of rubber socks.

Get a large poisoned or asphyxiated corpse

Our researchers are still looking over the poisoned and asphyxiated corpses brought by our less skilled hirees, but it's harder to work with the smaller subjects they bring in. We need something large enough to really get a look inside. Fifty-five kilograms sounds about right, about halfway between dwarf and human average.

Get the Brimshire seal

The royal family of Brimshire goes back a long way, to the first king, William. That was a while ago, of course, but we've been tracing as many ancient lineages as possible. Heraldry is key. If you could find an ancient royal symbol we could use, that would be very helpful. Expect such an item to be well-hidden and well-guarded. 14 28 27

Get a 25kg tough sculpture with 'strike' action

We're still in need of practice dummies, but now, we're looking for ones that are just a touch more advanced. So it still needs to be 25kg and it still needs to be at least as tough as steel, but it also needs to respond to the strike verb.

Get proof of identification from a Dunamor grave

If you can say one thing about vampires, it's that they have have the same attachment to family as nobility, but the bloodline is more...direct. Check the forest around Berul to see if you can find any proof of 'heredity' to the vampire Jacobi.

Complete the max quality worker gear pack

We have shipments and deliveries of tools, light sources, and other gear coming in somewhat regularly, but a lot of it is crap quality. Never send a newbie to do a highbie's job. When we send our workers out to the furthest ends of this continent, we don't need them coming back over and over with dull axe blades or concussions. Get them the gear they need to stay out in the field for the maximum time, and bring it here.

  • An axe
  • A knife
  • A rope
  • A shovel or crowbar
  • Head armour
  • Rig-slot armour
  • All non-rope tools and garb must be steel-strength or harder and at least 'good' condition.
  • 100g+ illimium, cesium, kryptonite or iridium raw material piece
  • A pair of socks (clothing)

Complete the ultimate lumber kit

From axe handles to wagon axles, we're always in the market for wood. But for some things, quality beats quantity. Ebony and mallorn are two of the most effective wood types, and can be used for reagents as well. Make sure those are on the list, and none of that 'wood' crap, either.

Kill the silver dragon in the Celestial Caverns

Our attempts to find raw materials continues above and under ground. One excellent source, the Celestial Caverns, is unfortunately guarded. We need the cavern's primary guardian, a large silver dragon, removed before we can continue.

Kill 3 guards at Laku's Temple Garden

We're having a bit of a diplomacy fail here. We've been sending envoys and scouts to different places, but for some reason, they keep getting attacked! The guards in the garden of Laku's Temple are a primary source of concern. Retaliate

Get a bright green potion of CCW

Your lower-level colleagues have been setting up our alchemists, but we'll take whatever supplimental supplies we can get. As always, healing potions are welcome, as our healing magic is rather limited. What we need is a reserve cache for our admins or VIPs, so make it the good stuff.

Get four cha meals

We have to keep the workers and guards fed, but that's not the difficult thing. They'll eat what we ration them. The problem is our highers-up, clerks, record-keepers, spellcasters, that sort of thing. They need better food, namely, master chef meals. Get four with cha in them.

Find the ancient relic in the Valley of Silence Shrine

Our attempts to gain the acceptance, or tolerance at least, of the local pantheon is, well, not going smoothly. It seems that offerings at racial shrines only goes so far. Something stronger might be called for. There is a shrine in the Valley of Silence, ancient, that might have a kind of proto-pantheon relic -- something that applies to multiple gods at once. Get one and bring it back.

Find an Elemental Shard from Tiburcio Tower

Our alchemists have asked for something a little nonstandard. Elemental parts have their use in research, apparently, but killing and looting elemental corpses will only go so far. A pure source would last so much longer. There's a tower with connecting portals to all four elements nearby, and surely at least ONE of them will be open. Get a pure source for us.

Kill the General of the Legion

We continue to push for resources from nearby areas, including the farms of Millie's Nightmare. We have hit a blockade, and it must be broken. The leader is Seceh, a General of the Legion, and he will not listen to our negotiators. Find another forms of communication. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Kill Haliban

As we continue to try to gain footing here, some of the more unusual races reject our diplomacy and requests for materials. The mongrelmen are one such race. We've heard that a mage, going by Haliban, might be in charge. Kill him to set the rest of his race straight. You should be able to find him in the Seashore Tower.

Kill Utash Eoworiand

We have plans to develop here, and that includes paperwork. Some of it needed to be turned in last month, but we have a bypass. Calythen documents are often stored in the bank, and we could slip it in. But the bankguard is noteworthy, being extra vigilant. You're going to remove him.

Kill 5 Orac defenders

The Knights of Orac have taken up a protective position on the mine they're sitting on. We've made some fair offers, including protection, but have been refused. Demonstrate the mistake they have made. Kill Orac knights and soldiers until our point is clear. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Disable Brimshire's leadership

Our attempts to negotiate with Brimshire have ended. They refused even our best offers, and now they must be brought in line. Kill Mayor Reiligh and city guard Sir John. Your kill count will be lost if you quit, but not if you LD. Return to the questgiver to restart it.

Complete the curio collection kit

Another letter from the boss, asking for exceedingly specific details, forms in triplicate, and...ugh. The usual. Do me a favor and get some items that should keep him distracted. The odder, the better. Hit some areas, find some of the less standard things lying around, and maybe make one of them really expensive too. Throw in a book while you're at it.

Ultra work