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Riftwalkers summon entities to tank and deal damage for them. They get bigger and more powerful by gaining Rift entity reputation.

They have no gender and cannot be blessed, but apparently inherit the alignment of the owner with respect to wielding weapons for example.

You can give them weapons.

The leaders get armor.


Focus Points

Entity Humour

Pleased, Narked, Riled, Cross, ANGRY,

Fire Entity

Specials: "from what I have seen, its strengths are in skill and melee damage. Capable of wielding bigger weapons than the other entities. Its defensive abilities are somewhat poorer than other entities, although it does have a natural resistance to fire. It appears to increase its resistance to fire, the more fire damage it takes"

Skills: Blazing_sunder

With task: Can start combat with non-rift offensive spells. Atleast for nonaggro mobs, not sure if aggro mobs have any difference. Or if spell has to land before combat begins?

Without task: Any non-rift spells will break control.

Air Entity

Specials: "somewhat of a mystery to me at present, although its ability to follow the caster around when using navigational spells seems useful. I must experiment more, especially on my enemies. Naturally resistant to cold and asphyxiation damage."

Skills: Suffocating_embrace

With task: Control breaks if non-rift offensive spells lands without Suffocating_embrace being active.

Without task: Control breaks when starting to cast non-rift offensive spell.

Water Entity

Specials: "has uncharted regenerative abilities, and I have overheard whisperings of it being able to cure poisons; I have not been able to reproduce the exact circumstances to reproduce this behaviour, much to my annoyance. Naturally resistant to poison and acid, and somewhat to cold"

Skills: Subjugating_backwash

With task: Control breaks if non-rift offensive spells lands without Subjugating_backwash being active.

Without task: Control breaks when starting to cast non-rift offensive spell.

Earth Entity

Specials: "a formidable entity but an exceptionally slow learner. This may take some time to gather enough data for a complete assessment. Naturally resistant to electrical and psionic damage, although seems to build a resistance to most other damage types."

Skills: Earthen_cover

With task: Control breaks if non-rift offensive spells lands without Earthen_cover being active.

Without task: Control breaks when starting to cast non-rift offensive spell.

Magic Entity

Specials: A backrow entity. Need high rep on other entities and some tasks to get. Levels with cash, not exp. Does no lose rep if well fed.

Skills: Wondrous_stimulus

Has two tasks instead of typical one to keep entity under control when casting non-rift offensive spells without Wondrous_stimulus. One prevents control from breaking when starting the offensive spell and the other prevents breaking the control when non-rift offensive spell lands.