Syggax tasks

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List of different daily tasks you can get from Kortax, Emissary of the Syggax Offensive. Only task and 'assemble kit/pack' info, no guides on how to do them.

ask kortax about easy work / medium work / hard word / ultra hard work

ask kortax about aborting (can do after 1 hour of starting task, but gives -favor)

ask kortax about completed

Completing task gives experience, money and favors.

  • Easy work: 10k exp, 2500 gold coins and 50 favor.
  • Medium work: 40k exp, 1000 platinum coins and 50 favor. (2000 max)
  • Hard work: 90k exp, 225 batium coins and 100 favor.(3000 max)
  • Ultra work: 150k exp, 50 mithril and 100 favor. (4000 max)

Favors can be spent at the Syggax offensive.

Easy work

Commit Snootlingcide

Our scouts tell of a snow-covered forest inside a cave. The forest could provide substantial resources, especially lumber, but it needs to be cleared out first. One spot in particular is home to a group of annoying snootlings -- not a major threat, but en masse they could pose some risk. Take them all out.

Kill Hazelbrag Stone, Mayor of Mirkhold

The town of Mirkhold has lots of things we'd like -- food, shelter, water, the works. What it _doesn't_ have is empty space. Send a message to the mayor that we want the place for ourselves. The message will be killing him.

Medium work

Hard work

Get arcane research from the Orcs of Horsehead Mountain

A pair of our scouts in the Horsehead Mountain range brought back tales of horned, mutant orcs -- twisted by magic and made tougher and stronger. Orcs can crawl off and die for all we care, but the augmentation magic could be highly useful. Find some information we can use.

Ultra hard work