The Herd of Beastmasters/quests

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Beastmaster guild quests

Quest # Name Description
1 Cattle drive Release 6 cows at once in front of Hans the Butcher in Ugly Joe's Restaurant.
2 Marathon monster Ride "a great distance" on a mount without feeding it, healing it, or having it drop from exhaustion, in a single trip.
3 Pinched! Successfully use guided strike while riding a crab.
4 Slumped in the saddle Die rather than be dismounted.
5 Good shepherd Tame 10 sheep in a single day.
6 Great white bison Find and tame the rare white buffalo.
7 Eenie meenie minie moe Release a tiger into one of the tiger guild altar rooms.
8 Dragon steaks Get raw meat from the corpse of a large dragon.
9 Gator wrasslin Calm an aggro alligator.
10 Shouldn't there be steam or something? Teach a fire drake to ride through frost, and an ice drake to ride through fire, on the same day.
11 The virgin plains Find and tame a unicorn.
12 Kodiak moment Give a raw salmon to a wild grizzly bear.
13 Oasis on legs Release a swampmonster into the desert.
14 *burp* Feed a live Digga bunny to a wolf.
15 Never forget to show no fear Trample a mouse to death with an elephant.
16 Is this what you're looking for? Release a fox in the Fox Hunt Master's room.
17 Only seven to go Tame a reindeer in winter.
18 On a grand scale Tame 10 reptilian mounts on the same day.
19 Stung! Successfully use guided strike while riding a scorpion.
20 Dark wings of doom Tame an adult chaos drake (this one will be VERY tricky).
21 Sashimi Butcher raw meat from a fish.
22 Cold fuzz Butcher polar bear fur.
23 Getting rammy in town Create a goat stampede in the city streets.
24 If you can't find a cliff... Release 6 lemmings at once in the Arelium city Rat Collector's office.
25 Everybody must get stoned Tame a basilisk.
26 Oh my! Tame a lion, a tiger, and a bear in a single day.
27 Snake charmer Release 5 snakes at once into any major city.
28 Cavalicious Butcher any of the special horses ridden by the cavalier challengers.
29 Give Me a Home Release a deer or antelope into the newbie playground.
30 You don't know Jacques Use rebuke to skillbreak a shark.
31 Cat fight Use feral strike to put two felines against each other.
32 I stepped in something Trample a random corpse undead.
33 Season's eatings Make mount feed out of lingonberries and mistletoe.
34 Thar she blows Tame a whale.
35 Armor plated Use ride through pain on a turtle or tortoise.
36 Mythic wings Tame a griffon and chimera on the same day.
37 Monkey business Feed a banana to a gorilla.
38 Exotic pets Tame 5 different mounts found in areas on the same day.
39 X-mount Use feral strike with a wolverine.
40 You got flocked Tame 10 birds in a single day.
41 Stay down! get a ride underground permanent success.
42 Get the flock in there use ride underground on 3 different birds in 100 seconds.
43 Numb and number raise a mount's physical resistance to max with ride through pain.
44 Schooled tame 10 fish in a single day.
45 Strawberry jelly feed a strawberry to a jellyfish.
46 Wearing o' the green make mount feed out of cabbage and potato.
47 Faster than usual release a sloth on a ferry.
48 Enter night refit nullium barding for a chaos drake.
49 Hey Booboo! stampede 2 or more bears at an NPC ranger.
50 Bones and stones butcher a basilisk skull.
51 Taking pride in your work calm an aggressive lion.
52 Scratching post force a cat to claw up a plant enemy.
53 When a problem comes along, you must whip it successfully rebuke a large monster .
54 Chew toy refit a bone bridle for a canine.
55 Grain-fed make mount feed from corn and wheat.
56 Stomp it out! get a rhino to trample a fire elemental.
57 The tail's the best part butcher an alligator tail.
58 Boared evaluate a tamed pig.
59 Death march of the penguins lead a 5-penguin stampede attack.
60 I'm the best at what I do calm an aggressive wolverine.
61 Poke in the eye successfully rebuke an NPC cyclops.
62 Dirty needles force a tamed beast to use a poison sting attack.
63 They are kind of related force an orca to attack an orc.
64 Monkey style force a monkey/ape attack on a monk.
65 Shmuzin for a bruizin evaluate 5 different NPC centaurs in one day.
Quest # Name Description