Triad Diary

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Triad Diary

It's a small personal diary that is commonly used by triadists to record prayers, research notes and other things of interest. Centered on the cover there is an equilateral triangle and each of its sides has been drawn with a different colour. Those colours are black, red and green and they symbolize the darkness of Draen-Dalar, the blood of Sa'hr and the venom of Burglefloogah. You may access the diary's commands by typing 'diary'. This item is in AWESOME condition. It looks very light weight.

 +-------------------------=( Your Personal Diary )=--------------------------+
 | Command                          Description                               |
 |                                                                            |
 | help                             This help file                            |
 | command <cmd>                    Change command to operate this diary      |
 | explain <topic>                  View additional explanations              |
 | emotes                           View list of guild emotes                 |
 | doctrines                        List the doctrines known to you           |
 | prayers                          List the prayers known to you             |
 | recite <prayer>                  Recite a prayer from the diary            |
 | research                         List all blood research notes             |
 | research <satomalum>             List research notes for satomalum         |
 | miracle <name>                   View information about a miracle          |
 | miracle list                     View list of witnessed miracles           |
 | miracle timeline [long/reverse]  View the timeline of witnessed miracles   |
 | event list                       View summary of your events               |
 | event current                    View information about active trial       |
 | event timeline [long/reverse]    View timeline of your events              |
 +-----------------------=( Additional Explanations )=------------------------+

becoming ordained

 +--------------------------=( Becoming ordained )=---------------------------+
 | Each member of the congregation starts their religious career as a         |
 | novice and some will remain as novices forever. There may be many          |
 | reasons why a person would remain as an novice, but the most common        |
 | reason is that they pursue other interests and do not make religion        |
 | a career. Those who wish to pursue a career in religion must educate       |
 | themselves, and become respectable members of the congregation in          |
 | order to gain influence in the church. When a Triadist has been            |
 | found worthy by the members of the congregation, they are allowed          |
 | to participate in a Divine Trial, which gives them the chance to           |
 | perform for the Dark Gods. If the Triadist passes the Divine Trial,        |
 | it means that the Gods approve of the ascension in ranks.                  |
 |                                                                            |
 | After the Divine Trial is completed, the Triadist may be ordained by       | 
 | an official of the church. Usually the ordination takes place during       |
 | a Holy Day, but novices may be ordained as novice masters or novice        |
 | mistresses on any day. Ordination is usually performed by a higher         |
 | ranking church official, but it can also be performed by anyone who        |
 | holds the position of the rite master.                                     |
 |                                                                            |
 | Triad of Darkness recognizes following ranks in the hierarchy: novice,     |
 | novice master/mistress, (deacon/deaconess), curate, (abbot/abbess),        |
 | priest/priestess, and high priest/priestess.                               |
 |                                                                            |
 | The ranks mentioned in parenthesis are considered to be mostly             |
 | ceremonial ranks and therefore do not have Divine Trials available.        |
 |                                                                            |


 +-----------------------------=( Bookshelves )=------------------------------+
 | Bookshelves are containers in a room that allow them to contain books.     |
 | Since it should be very clear what a bookshelf is, we'll just move on      |
 | to provide examples and syntaxes how to use them:                          |
 |                                                                            |
 | Syntax/Example:                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 | look at shelf           Show which books the bookshelf contains            |
 | get book from shelf     Get a book from the shelf.                         |
 | get 3 from shelf        Get the third book from the shelf.                 |
 | put book in shelf       Move a book from your inventory to the shelf.      |
 |                                                                            |
 | Note that if you use a common identifier, such as "book" you will get      |
 | the book that was added to the shelf last. Therefore when retrieving       |
 | a book you should use a unique identifier if such is available, or         |
 | use the shelf number to allow for better targetting.                       |
 |                                                                            |

days of solitude

 +--------------------------=( Days of solitude )=----------------------------+
 | Usually about once a month, the Triadists pause for one day to take a      |
 | break from their mundane chores and dedicate that day to the Dark          |
 | Gods. This day is known as the Day of Solitude, and it is marked in        |
 | the calendar. Many Triadists travel to Serinna to meditate. It has         |
 | been said that dedicating a day to the Dark Gods in this fashion can       |
 | be a spiritual experience. There are also secular members of the           |
 | congregation who opt to show their faces during a Day of Solitude to       |
 | create a good impression to whomever might be keeping track of comings     |
 | and goings. In order to participate in Day of Solitude, simply find        |
 | one the places suitable for meditation, and then 'use dark meditation'     |
 | when it is a Day of Solitude.                                              |

donating doctrines

 +-------------------------=( Donating doctrines )=---------------------------+
 | It is possible that there is a doctrine that is not owned by the church.   |
 | Doctrines may be gotten from events, from monsters or however any          |
 | valuable item is usually discovered. If you ever come by a doctrine,       |
 | it is up to you what to do about it. Generally there are three choices     |
 | and only one of them is insane, but we'll cover them all just in case.     |
 |                                                                            |
 | First of all, you may choose not to pick up the doctrine in the first      |
 | place which has its benefits as then you don't need to read any of         |
 | these documents so perhaps in retrospect, all the choices were sane,       |
 | but full disclosure, this was meant to be the insane choice.               |
 |                                                                            |
 | You may also keep the doctrine to yourself, in which case you may carry    |
 | it around in inventory, save it in a chest or do whatever you want to      |
 | do with it. These doctrines behave as any doctrines and are saveable.      |
 |                                                                            |
 | The third option is to donate the doctrine to the church. This can be      |
 | done by simply giving the doctrine to Lucas of Taegor. He is a man         |
 | who loves to read and makes sure that the valuable doctrine will end up    |
 | in the church's library.                                                   |
 |                                                                            |
 | Any doctrine that is donated to the church will grant the donor some       |
 | faith but the congregation also recognizes the donation and a nominal      |
 | fee is reduced in case you happen to be owing any tithes. If the           |
 | donated doctrine is in particularly good condition (=AWESOME), then        |
 | the congregation will make a note that you have donated an invaluable      |
 | doctrine to the church. In order to advance some high ranks, certain       |
 | number of invaluable doctrine donations must be completed.                 |
 |                                                                            |
 | When a doctrine is donated, it will become property of the church and      |
 | will be made available at the church library at reboot. These doctrines    |
 | do not save in inventory and cannot be chested, but you can borrow from    |
 | the library and you can even use the doctrines that you donated yourself.  |
 |                                                                            |

guidelines for prayers

 +-----------------------=( Guidelines for prayers )=-------------------------+
 | Each prayer circle must follow the guidelines for prayers that are         |
 | included in this handbook. A complete prayer will consist of multiple      |
 | verses, but the prayer itself must be evaluated as a whole. Thematically   |
 | it is preferred that the prayers deal with themes such as the Dark         |
 | Gods or the guild itself, but rules concerning the theme aren't strict.    |
 | What matters is the overall quality of the prayer, but there are certain   |
 | strict rules that need to be followed. Each verse of the prayer            |
 | must adhere to these rules:                                                |
 |                                                                            |
 | - Prayer language is always English.                                       |
 | - No politics, profanities, personal insults, racist or sexual language.   |
 | - No futuristic themes, real persons or otherwise unsuitable material.     |
 | - If you're wondering whether a verse breaks rules, then it probably       |
 |   does.                                                                    |
 | - Use thematic roleplay aspects, not technical terms like spell cost,      |
 |   skill percentages or other gameplay lingo.                               |
 | - Write proper English that are typochecked, and capitalization is         |
 | proper.                                                                    |
 | - It's more important to follow the general spirit of these rules. If      |
 |   the guidelines have loopholes which makes your content seem "legal"      |
 |   by a technicality and it ends up being removed, it's pointless           |
 |   to plead to these rules.                                                 |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 | This is a guideline to help you produce quality prayers or approve them.   |
 | Do not use it to seek what is considered grey area. Any prayer that is in  |
 | violation of these rules and is therefore removed from the game by the     |
 | Immortal Guardians will automatically result in punishment inflicted       |
 | upon both the author and the approver of the prayer.                       |
 |                                                                            |

library loans

 +----------------------------=( Library loans )=-----------------------------+
 | The Cathedral Library is available for Triadists and usually there are     |
 | doctrines on the bookshelf that you can loan. While anyone can borrow a    |
 | book, one needs to be at least a Novice Master or a Novice Mistress to     |
 | find any use for it. If you would like to donate a doctrine to the         |
 | library, you might want to visit Lucas of Taegor about that.               |
 |                                                                            |
 | In order to borrow a book from the library, simply get it from the         |
 | bookshelf. This will start your loan. Once you've studied the book         |
 | and want to return it, simply put it back to the bookshelf and it          |
 | ends your loan period. Sometimes old books are used a lot and they         |
 | start losing their condition. It is even possible that an old book         |
 | crumbles and turns into dust. This is normal and if it happens, you        |
 | are not penalized for the act.                                             |
 |                                                                            |
 | If you want, you may borrow a book from the library and take it with       |
 | you, but you should know that while longterm loans such as this are        |
 | allowed, there might be someone else who wants to study the same book      |
 | as you. Therefore, any longterm loan is automatically reflected in         |
 | your expected tithe cost. This also happens should you fail to return      |
 | the book on the shelf.                                                     |
 |                                                                            |

listening to sermons

 +------------------------=( Listening to sermons )=--------------------------+
 |                                                                            |
 | Listening to the sermon is one of the easiest things to do, because the    |
 | one who is performing the sermon has to prepare it while you just stand    |
 | there watching the oil burn in the bronze brazier. It is however polite    |
 | manners to stand there silently, when the priest is praying for the        |
 | congregation.                                                              |
 |                                                                            |
 | Usually sermons follow an easy routine. The official who performs the      |
 | sermon will choose the prayers that he or she wishes to preach. These      |
 | prayers are among the ones that you may learn. You can view the prayers    |
 | known to you with your personal diary. In order to learn a a prayer, you   |
 | must be present at the time of the sermon.                                 |
 |                                                                            |
 | If you do not wish to participate in a sermon or you have prayers that     |
 | you do not wish to see replaced, simply move away from the altar room      |
 | when there's a sermon taking place.                                        |
 |                                                                            |

name days

 +------------------------------=( Name days )=-------------------------------+
 | The calendar is an important part in every triadist's life, because it     |
 | tells you where to go, where to be, and what's happening. On top of that   |
 | it will tell who is celebrating their name day. Each triadist will have    |
 | their own name day and it takes place once a year. Some triadists may      |
 | have to share their name day, but that doesn't make it any less special.   |
 |                                                                            |
 | If you have a good relationship with the members of the congregation,      |
 | they may wish you a happy name day or sometimes even give you a gift       |
 | as it is the tradition of the church. While these people celebrate         |
 | your special day, they're also expecting you to celebrate theirs when      |
 | it's their name day. This is the key to maintaining a good relationship.   |
 | If you don't want to have any relationships with the other members of      |
 | the congregation, you can simply choose not to celebrate name days.        |
 |                                                                            |
 | The easiest way to celebrate someone's name day is to give them a gift.    |
 | If you keep your eyes open, you may figure out what is a good gift, or     |
 | perhaps Lotte can tell you.                                                |
 |                                                                            |
 | Lotte is also organizing collections for random members of the             |
 | congregation in order to celebrate their name days. If you wish to         |
 | take part in the collection, you can give a meager sum to her. The         |
 | coins collected by Lotte will be spent for getting a gift to one name      |
 | day celebrant that they can claim on their name day. Once the name         |
 | day has passed, Lotte will start a new collection. There is no way         |
 | to find out beforehand to whom Lotte is collecting money.                  |
 |                                                                            |
 | In order to maintain relationships with NPC triadists, you may give        |
 | gifts to them on their name day. A typical gift is not necessarily         |
 | a lavish gift, but something that is useful to a Triadist. There is        |
 | also a special day called Day of the Devotees during which the staff       |
 | of the congregation is celebrated for their services.                      |

prayer circles

 +---------------------------=( Prayer circles )=-----------------------------+
 | You are standing in the study. It's one of the special rooms in the        |
 | Cathedral of Darkness where one of the special guild related actions       |
 | takes places. The prayer circles gather in the study. Anyone can           |
 | take part in a prayer circle but in order to put together a prayer         |
 | circle, one must possess the rank of a novice master or a novice           |
 | mistress. A higher rank will be equally good.                              |
 |                                                                            |
 | You may have already noticed that the guild item, your personal            |
 | diary, has a command that allows you to recite prayers. Different          |
 | prayers have different effects, but a prayer can only be recited if you    |
 | have already learned a prayer while listening to a sermon. Sermons         |
 | are a different topic, but for now you need to know that prayers           |
 | are a prerequisite for holding a sermon.                                   |
 |                                                                            |
 | The task of prayer circles is to produce prayers for sermons and           |
 | thus contribute to the congregation. In order to participate in            |
 | a prayer circle, keep your eyes open and see if there are any              |
 | novice masters or mistresses looking to put together one. And if           |
 | you ever happen to become one yourself, feel free to visit this            |
 | room again for more information.                                           |
 |                                                                            |
 | If and when you are eventually participating in a prayer circle            |
 | be quiet and pay close attention to the instructions of your               |
 | novice master or mistress.                                                 |
 |                                                                            |

understanding affinity

 +-----------------------=( Understanding affinity )=-------------------------+
 | In order to understand affinity, it is important to learn to understand a  |
 | few concepts in the 'triad status' command. The relationship of a          |
 | triadist with a Dark God is represented by affinity. The higher the        |
 | percentage, the more divine power the triadist possesses.                  |
 |                                                                            |
 | Generally these values go up but there are some exceptions which can       |
 | cause them to go down temporarily. These factors are dishonor and          |
 | latency and they both work in the same fashion. If you are affected        |
 | by either, you are very likely to see a temporary reduction in             |
 | your percentages. There are few ways to become dishonored and if           |
 | you become dishonored, you have most likely angered the Gods somehow.      |
 | If this happens, your penalty will eventually go away unless you           |
 | continue what caused you to become dishonored in the first place.          |
 |                                                                            |
 | Another case islatency. Latency means that the person has taken a          |
 | considerable pause from the guild in the form of reincarnation. Latency    |
 | time is accumulated whenever the person is not member of the Triad         |
 | of Darkness. The maximum latency is two months (real time), but it         |
 | also isn't linear. This means that if you're gone from the guild           |
 | for two months, your latency will not be two months, but                   |
 | considerably less. However, the existence of latency                       |
 | means that no one can recover their true powers instantly.                 |
 |                                                                            |
 | Affinity towards a Dark God is represented by a percentage, but each       |
 | affinity has something called the 'Affinity Status' as well, but           |
 | let's take a moment to discuss what each affinity does.                    |
 |                                                                            |
 | Affinity to Burglefloogah                                                  |
 | -------------------------                                                  |
 |                                                                            |
 | Whenever you do evil, your anger grows. When you don't do evil, it         |
 | dissipates. The higher it is, the more effective the evil things you do    |
 | are. In essence, it is a self-fueling loop of evil. You can see your       |
 | anger level by checking the affinity status with 'triad status' command.   |
 |                                                                            |
 | There is also a passive skill called 'seething fervor'. It cannot be       |
 | trained, but is learned by doing. You learn it while your fervor is on     |
 | and it helps you to maintain your anger longer.                            |
 |                                                                            |
 | Affinity to Sa'hr                                                          |
 | -----------------                                                          |
 |                                                                            |
 | Whenever you use death spells you will become closer to Sa'hr.             |
 | Death spells are spells that require a mummy as a reagent. There           |
 | is a link between Sa'hr and Burglefloogah. Whenever you're casting         |
 | harming spells, there is an additional spell point cost. If your           |
 | affinity to Sa'hr is high, you may be able to save some of those           |
 | spell points as untapped resources. These untapped resources may           |
 | be accessed when casting death spells, meaning that the actual             |
 | spell cost for death spells will become lower than it normally would       |
 | be.                                                                        |
 |                                                                            |
 | You may not accumulate unlimited amount of untapped resources so           |
 | be sure to use death spells sometimes to free space for new resources.     |
 | Additionally, the untapped resources will eventually fade if they are      |
 | not used. High affinity to Sa'hr allows you to sustain more untapped       |
 | resources than low affinity. The status of untapped resources is           |
 | displayed in Sa'hr's affinity status.                                      |
 |                                                                            |
 | Affinity to Draen-Dalar                                                    |
 | -----------------------                                                    |
 |                                                                            |
 | Affinity to Draen-Dalar can best be explained through it's                 |
 | affinity status. The affinity status of Draen-Dalar is called              |
 | 'faith' and whenever there is a document that refers to faith,             |
 | it refers to the written status description. Faith is a factor             |
 | that affects almost everything. It affects your skills,                    |
 | your spells and it can even affect your prayers. Faith                     |
 | represents how much you believe in the Dark Gods and when                  |
 | it's high you're more powerful and low faith can make you                  |
 | weaker than you would normally be.                                         |
 |                                                                            |
 | Faith can be gained by participating in the religious events of the        |
 | congregation or it can go up if you're witnessing a miracle. There are     |
 | many things that can increase faith, while there is generally only one     |
 | that can take it away - faith prayers. Faith prayers are discussed         |
 | elsewhere but to condense it into one sentence; faith prayers are prayers  |
 | that can be used all the time, but they cause you to lose faith.           |
 |                                                                            |
 | It should also be mentioned that faith isn't quite as straightforward      |
 | as this document makes it to be. Faith is erratic in nature and sometimes  |
 | your faith can stay high even if you're using continuously using           |
 | faith prayers and sometimes it can stay low even despite your best         |
 | efforts to get it up.                                                      |
 |                                                                            |
 | New members of the congregation typically cannot achieve very high         |
 | faith status. This is because their affinity to Draen-Dalar is not         |
 | very high. When the affinity towards Draen-Dalar rises, the faith          |
 | maximum will go up as well.                                                |
 |                                                                            |

witnessing miracles

 +-------------------------=( Witnessing miracles )=--------------------------+
 | Miracles are either direct creations or acts of God and witnessing a       |
 | miracle is regarded to be a highly religious experience. While             |
 | watching a mosaic is truly fascinating itself, they are unfortunately      |
 | too easily accessible to be counted as a witnessed miracle, but            |
 | generally speaking something like a mosaic could generally be a            |
 | miracle.                                                                   |
 |                                                                            |
 | You might have already discovered that your diary allows you to            |
 | keep track of your miracle timeline and list the miracles you have         |
 | witnessed. If you are a new member in the congregation you probably        |
 | haven't witnessed any miracles yet, but don't worry. Eventually            |
 | there's going to be a miracle and you will be there to write it            |
 | down. It should be said however that witnessing a miracle is a somewhat    |
 | rare occurrence and often it is difficult to force miracles to happen.     |
 | Gods have their own will and should they decide that it is your fate       |
 | to witness one of their miracles, then so be it. If you're lucky           |
 | to have that happen to you, you can consult your personal diary            |
 | for more information. It should be mentioned that witnessing the           |
 | same miracle during a short span of time will not be recorded as a new     |
 | miracle.                                                                   |
 |                                                                            |
 | Experienced priests have also told that witnessing a miracle is such an    |
 | overwhelming experience that whenever they witnessed a miracle, even if    |
 | they had lost their faith in the Dark Gods, the miracle itself would       |
 | often be powerful enough to turn one's beliefs around. If you are          |
 | not familiar with the concept of faith, please consult the chapter         |
 | about 'understanding affinity'.                                            |
 |                                                                            |