Old oak forest

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General description:
Location on Laenor: central
Difficulty: newbie
Coder: Malar<analytics uacct="UA-3466433-3" ></analytics>
Size (in rooms): 17
Map of the area:
             H  O--C
            /| /  /
           / |/  /          |
          O  O  O
           \   / \ H
            \ /   \|
             O     O
              \   /      C = Cave
               \ /       H = Hut
                E        E = Entrance

NPCs at the area:

Name Exp Race Alignment Aggro
A big angry badger 1k - 3k neutral yes
A huge spider (Old Oak Forest) 2k neutral
A large hairy spider 200 - 400 neutral
A small deer 2k none neutral
A wild cat hides in the bushes ½k neutral
An old hobbit woman hobbit neutral
<analytics uacct="UA-3466433-3" ></analytics>