A simple rope belt

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It is a simple rope belt. Hey, did it just move on its own? You're pretty sure it did. There is something magical about this belt, that's for sure.
It contains a tale;
This simple belt used to belong to Miss April, the priestess of Loraen. It still carries some of the elemental power of Loraen, Goddess of the Earth.
Armour type: small belt
Stats: +wis (2 with name bonus), (+insignificantly some offensive spell, summon carnal spores, cold ray, lava blast or so)
It looks very light weight (0.175 kg)
Sacvalue: 43.6k
It is called Missing handles
It takes the following slot: Belt
Made of: hemp
Size: small
Quality: Missing quality
From: Miss April, the priestess of Loraen
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