The staff of Lerethin

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The long staff is beautifully crafted from the finest of metals. The foot of the staff is formed like an animal's, possibly a lion's, foot and as it goes upwards it transforms into a skull which is heavily deformed to make a perfect grip. Above the grip the staff splits in two like a huge two-headed fork. A huge sapphire, which flickers red every now and then, is mounted almost at the top of the staff between the two edges. The edges of the sapphire almost looks worn, like it would have been turned around alot.
Weapon type: staff
Stats: New version: tunable +10 Int / +10 Wis
It looks Missing weight category (4.00 kg)
Sacvalue: 1120k
It is called staff of lerethin and identified as 'staff' and 'staff of lerethin'.
Made of mithril
Size: small
Quality: great
From: Lerethin, Simon's hut
Compares between: Unknown and Unknown
Other info: Ungettable.