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= [http://www.bat.org/news/view_post.php?postid=39558&page=1&group_name=inform 07/07/31 It is coming.] =
Things that are related to [[{{PAGENAME}}]].
:Saturday, September 22nd.
Be ready for it.
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[http://www.bat.org/help/finger.php?str=Shinarae Shinarae Lluminus]
= [http://www.bat.org/news/view_post.php?postid=40183&page=1&group_name=inform 07/09/17 "it" is coming (part 2)] =
A member of an Arelium scouting party returned to the city not long ago. This being an inform post, naturally, the scout is wounded and dying. His fellow soldiers gather around to hear his last words, and possible triggerloot the body.
"It is coming..." the scout gasps between ragged, coughing breaths.
"What?" the soldiers asked, "what is coming?"
"An invasion..." the scout continued, "...thousands..." and then died.
The soldiers looked at each other with concern, remembering that [Arelium] has been ominously quiet these last few weeks...
Invasion 2007
At 16:00 EET, Saturday Sept 22nd, the monsters that typically attack Arelium in dozens or hundreds will all attack in full force, all at once. Any that make it inside the city will start smashing down walls, burning down buildings, murdering the townsfolk, and probably causing excessive lag. Your goal is to stop them. Volunteers are needed from BatMUD's army, navy, and air force to stop the invaders however they try to reach the city. Organization will be critical to success.
In addition to any other money or eq that might change hands during the Invasion 2007 event, how badly your unpaid pcity taxes are needed depends on how badly Arelium needs to rebuild after the assault, and how much surcharge Arelium shops need to ad to prices to rebuild.
There is no sign-up list. Monsters, city, you. Figure the rest out as it comes.
[http://www.bat.org/help/finger.php?str=Shinarae Shinarae Lluminus]
P.S. No desters, I promise.
= [http://www.bat.org/news/view_post.php?postid=40248&page=1&group_name=updates 07/09/22 Invasion 2007] =
Here goes nothing...
[http://www.bat.org/help/finger.php?str=Shinarae Shinarae Lluminus]
== 17:15 Wave of Battlefungi's ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
Battlefungi are pouring out of a small patch of ruins to the southwest! Stop them, before they rot the city!
== 17:25 [[a big battlefungus-lord|Big fungus]] is DEAD, R.I.P. ==
== 17:29 Wave of Mosquitos ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:Mosquitos coming from the south! I don't think the city walls can stop flying enemies! Intercept them before they get inside!
== 17:30 Stray invaders ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:We lost a few of our civilians. Let's keep the death count low, if we can. Pick off any stray invaders in the city before they take out any more.
== 17:37 Robin hood ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:A man in green clothes, carrying a bow, has been seen lurking in the military district. Could this archer be the infamous Robin Hood? :What mischief does he plan?
Robin Hood shouts:
:Hah hah hah, fools! Setting up camp inside, when you should be in here!
:Soon, my Merri Men and I will...hey, what's that?
== 17:38 Meteor ==
A flaming meteor streaks overhead towards Arelium!
== 17:39 Clean up==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:Um...it looks like Robin Hood was killed by the meteor. False alarm, everyone. Also, could someone clean up that mess?
== 17:40 Zhentorians are back ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:Our scouts have sighted flying ships over the island off the southwest coast! The Zhentorians are back! Members of the navy, we need airships to intercept them before they land!
== 17:40 Light structural damage ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:The city has sustained some light structural damage. We could use a couple of people to clear this mess up, so our defenders can move freely through the streets.
== 17:46 [[a colossal fungus-elite|Colossal fungus]] is DEAD, R.I.P. ==
== 17:50 Fires are spreading ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:Fires are spreading throughout the city! Buildings and people are being burned! Anyone with a shovel or bucket that wants to help extinguish these fires, we could use a hand!
== 17:50 Zhentorians have landed ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:The Zhentorians have landed in the plains south of the city! Stop them before they break in and destroy our shops!
== 17:59 Clones of beastmasters ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:A vortex has opened near Secladin! Reports say that...oh, this can't be good...clones of beastmasters riding rust monsters have come out!
:If that's correct, they'll probably follow the roads and move _fast_!
== 18:00 Stray invaders ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:We lost a few of our civilians. Let's keep the death count low, if we can. Pick off any stray invaders in the city before they take out any more.
== 18:10 People are losing homes ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:Damage to the city has grown to unsafe levels. People are losing homes and businesses. We need these structures repaired. Masons, woodworkers, give us a hand!
== 18:19 [[Mosquito matriarch]] is DEAD, R.I.P. & Crawe teh warhero ==
Massive flat stone chest
Crawe starts concentrating on a new skill.
Crawe points destructively at chest.
Crawe sacrifices the chest to the dark gods.
Shinarae tells you 'that makes me sad'
You tell Shinarae 'and lot of people angry'
Shinarae tells you 'I would hope so! it had 3M gold in it'
== 18:20 Few fires still burn ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:A few fires still burn in the city! We could use a couple of people to put those stray fires out before they spread.
== 18:30 All quiet ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:Our scouts report all quiet on all horizons! That's got to be the last of them! I mean, who else is there, right? Right?
== 18:35 Stray invaders ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:We lost a few of our civilians. Let's keep the death count low, if we can. Pick off any stray invaders in the city before they take out any more.
== 18:?? Big boss steps in ==
[[Dardechion the evil mage]] shouts:
:Can it be? My minions defeated so readily? Fools, dead fools, all of them! If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself!
:Heads up, Arelium, here I come!
== 18:40 Light structural damage ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:The city has sustained some light structural damage. We could use a couple of people to clear this mess up, so our defenders can move freely through the streets.
== 18:49 Few fires still burn ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:A few fires still burn in the city! We could use a couple of people to put those stray fires out before they spread.
== 18:51 Invasion is over ==
The City Watch Commander shouts:
:[[Dardechion the evil mage|Dardechion]] is down! The invasion is over! Loyal citizens of Arelium, you have our thanks for defending our city. Soon, we'll find a way to repay you for your invaluable assistance.

Latest revision as of 19:06, 23 June 2009

Things that are related to Invasion'07.

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