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Revision as of 02:13, 4 August 2010

ENORMOUS in the leech size scale, Az-B'urkh is a small mountain of something green and slimy. It is currently on a guard duty, and it takes its task seriously. Although bored to death, there is no way it will let anyone pass, unless they have got a handwritten permit from Overlord Necorp. And in case you have not got one with you, there are only two options: fight your way through, or turn back quickly.
Az-B'urkh the prison guard's equipment:

Neck, both legs and upper body: A cotton robe

Wielded in right claw: An iron javelin

Spells: Missing spells
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Millie's nightmare
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: leech
Exp worth: 81k