Template talk:Infobox Weapon

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Revision as of 02:30, 5 July 2008 by BlackSmith (Talk | contribs)

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Table for heft's. Key attribute to be if needing one or two hands, second key to be how easilly wielded and last field to show whats the min size/str needed to use the weapon to get these messages or any other good way to do it. Maybe placed as a floating table to right. BlackSmith 08:36, 3 July 2008 (EEST)

Making better compare fields so that work with complete comapre list can be done with help of Zammy, Moonlord & Acidia. Would at least need dam, handling & overall compare fields. Maybe placed as a floating table to right. BlackSmith 08:56, 3 July 2008 (EEST)

Tidying layout and creating form that can be copy&pasted for easy and fast new page creation. BlackSmith 08:36, 3 July 2008 (EEST)