Stier Bloodclaw is here training for battle

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Revision as of 16:24, 22 October 2008 by BlackSmith (Talk | contribs)

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This young lizard man is attempting to learn the ways of battle and become one of the soldiers of the lizard man army. His young body is covered with all kinds of bruises and wounds that indicate he has taken a severe beating in his attempts so far. Even with all of his injuries, this recruit is still attempting to complete his weapons training and become one of the few recruits accepted as a soldier.
Stier's equipment:

Torso: An iron breastplate

Wielded in right claw: An iron fauchard

Spells: Missing spells
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Tarackia
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: Missing race
Exp worth: 40k - 64k