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A member of an Arelium scouting party retuend to the city not long ago. This being an inform post, naturally, the scout is wounded and dying. His fellow soldiers gather around to hear his last words, and possible triggerloot the body.

"It is coming..." the scout gasps between ragged, coughing breaths.

"What?" the soldiers asked, "what is coming?"

"An invasion..." the scout continued, "...thousands..." and then died.

THe soldiers looked at each other with concern, remembering that Arelium has been ominously quiet these last few weeks...

Invasion 2007

At 16:00 EET, Saturday Sept 22nd, the monsters that typically attack Arelium in dozens or hundreds will all attack in full force, all at once. Any that make it inside the city will start smashing down walls, burning down buildings, murdering the townsfolk, and probably causing excessive lag. Your goal is to stop them. Volunteers are needed from BatMUD's army, navy, and air force to stop the invaders however they try to reach the city. Organization will be critical to success.

In addition to any other money or eq that might change hands during the Invasion 2007 event, how badly your unpaid pcity taxes are needed depends on how badly Arelium needs to rebuild after the assault, and how much surcharge Arelium shops need to ad to prices to rebuild.

There is no sign-up list. Monsters, city, you. Figure the rest out as it comes.

Shinarae Lluminus

P.S. No desters, I promise.