Black silk wrapped around arms

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Revision as of 09:23, 20 October 2007 by Dreadlord (Talk | contribs)

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They are two long pieces of black silk ment to be worn around arms.

There are several oriental writing symbols on them but unfortunately you cannot decipher their meaning. There is one symbol which you understand. A tiger claw ornament at one end of the cloth.

Armour type: Missing type
Stats: +3 dam, 10% martial arts
It looks 0.03kg (Weight in kgs unknown)
Sacvalue: 930300-~1m
It is called identified as 'black silk wrapped around arms', 'Black Tiger arm wrappings', 'sleeves', 'arm wrapping', 'black arm wrapping', 'tiger arm wrapping', 'arm wrappings', 'wrappings', 'black arm wrappings', 'black tiger arm wrapping', 'wrapping', 'silk arm wrapping', 'silk wrapped around arm' and 'black silk wrapped around arm'.
It takes the following slot: arms
Made of: silk
Size: Missing size
Quality: exceptional
From: Akemi