Zunko, the bald one-handed barsoomian is eating grass here

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Revision as of 14:45, 26 November 2008 by Nuane (Talk | contribs)

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Well here is a strange sight, a bald barsoomian with only one hand eating grass. His other three hands are just short stubs which are hanging uselessly at his side. He has a friendly smile and ageless babyface, which makes it hard to judge his real age. He is happily munching some green grass here. Now you have seen everything, a vegetarian one-handed bald barsoomian.
Zunko's equipment:

Cloak: a wool cape

Both hands: a bronze muff

Wielded in right hand: an iron longsword

Leg: a silk haidate

Spells: Missing spells
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Small meadow
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: barsoomian
Exp worth: 11056