Call scythe

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Call scythe info from help file
Saving throw: none
Spell duration: 20 rounds
Type of spell: Neutral
Affecting stats: wis
Cast type: destruction
Spell point cost: 393 - ?
Spell words:

It requires a reagent, Reavers, in their love for the destruction, rarely get attached to physical items. However, entering a battle without a weapon is not necessarily the key to victory. By using this spell, a reaver can bring to him a weapon, a gift for that reaver alone from the immortal lords of destruction. The power of the weapon is related to how pleased those lords are with the reaver's efforts. However, this costly gift should be used as a last resort, when no other weapon is available, since calling too often upon the lords of destruction is not wise.


cast call scythe at amount <percent>

The <percent> is 1% to 100% of the maximum power you can call upon..

List of things that enhance or grant access to this spell:

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