The haft of this weapon is teak, a slowly widening log-like shaft of dense wood. It starts slender enough to grasp, but by the time it reaches the end of its considerable length, it is thicker than an ale mug. Wrapped around this thicker end is a head with four pyramid-like spikes of iridium, which, while dull, are large lumps of dense metal. A mere handspan below this head is a smaller head with the same shape. This weapon is HEAVY and will crush skulls by mere inertia.
Weapon type:
battle mace
+electric damage, sheds light
It looks
Very heavy (Weight in kgs unknown)
It is called
mace and identified as 'battle mace', 'war mace', 'iridium mace', 'iridium war mace', 'giant mace', 'battle' and 'mace'
Made of
75% iridium, 25% wood
Missing size
Missing quality
The Captain of the Samurai Guard, Orc Samurai
Compares between:
Unknown and Unknown