Ilmarinen the smith

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Ilmarinen is a broad-shouldered and muscled, yet slender man. He appears to be in his mid-thirties and is dressed in clothing of practical appearance. There are soot stains on his hands and face yet he seems to glow with a certain dignity you have rarely seen even in a king or a noble knight. A smith's hammer, full of strange carvings and mysterious symbols is held in his right hand. If rumours are right, Ilmarinen is one of the oldest living humans in Kalevala.
Ilmarinen's equipment:

Wielded in left claw: A diamond longsword

Wielded in right claw: A hammer blessed by the All-father <red glow>

Spells: Flex shield, Curse of tarmalen
Skills: Grapple
Area: Wainamoinen's land
Alignment: good
Race: human
Exp worth: 221315