Koy, the bald and vengeful, kobold wizard

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He is of average built, but his most distinctive features are all hair related. His mouth is covered with a thick beard and his bald head shines like the nearest moon of the planet. The expression on his face is somewhat bored as if he lacked challenges in his life. He seems very experienced and something tells you that everything is not like it would seem. It is as if he didn't belong in this place, but somehow you feel that without this person the existence of all the kobold kinsmen would not be possible.
Koy's equipment:

(Partially) randoms:

Neck: A small brass necklace

Bracelet: a delicate garnet bracelet <red glow>

Finger: the ring of winter <red glow> or the ring of summer <red glow>

Belt: a small fur belt made of deer hide

Both legs: a checkered red and blue kilt

Spells: Missing spells
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Small meadow
Alignment: neutral
Race: kobold
Exp worth: Missing exp worth
Aggressive: no